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OT: Ever have a feeling someone's just not going to work out

Posted: Feb 13th, '09, 13:54
by Carl
New hire pulls into my spot this morning to unload his tools, so I have to park out on the street, no big deal.
But then he decides to move car as I walk up the driveway so I wait at the base of the driveway and wait and wait some more as he tries to negotiate out. Then I hear a loud scrapping noise and turn to look at him sideswipe the concrete wall lining the driveway, normally someone would stop at this point...but he gave it some gas and tried to continue, and continue he did, tires chirped as he scraped up further against the wall, I tried to tell hime to go forward and MOVE AWAY FROM THE WALL but he wanted none of that. So tires chirped a bit more as he coated my wall with his car paint till he decided to put in forward and move away from the wall, straighten out the car and procedd to back out of the driveway.
Put him on a quick 1/2 hour and after two hours I told him I didn't think he was going to work out here and let him go...well he wanted none of that and told me he needed to finish the job, I told him Okay but I'm not paying you to go further.
Well that talk was 5 hours ago and he's still on that same part...persistant that I gotta give him that!

Posted: Feb 13th, '09, 14:18
by STraenkle
Well I guess you should offer him a job, but at 1/10 to offered hourly wage if a half hour job takes 5 hours or pay him by the job. Who knows, he maybe like the guy in “Office Space” who keeps showing up even though you don’t pay him.

Posted: Feb 13th, '09, 14:33
by MarkS
Just a gut feeling here but I bet he is plotting a painful demise for you! Dial 911 now and have him hauled away.


Posted: Feb 13th, '09, 14:41
by AndreF
Have witnesses

Posted: Feb 13th, '09, 14:46
by neil
we have a mason working on our new home his est was half that of others it took a month to do the foundation,now he is working on the chimney hasbeen there for a few weeks . thank god his price is half. next week a crane will set the bluestone cap i will be incharge of that its 6 ft by 4 ft

Posted: Feb 13th, '09, 15:05
by Dug

You are kidding, right?

Just bolsters my saying that in manufacturing, you think you have seen it all until tomorrow...


Posted: Feb 13th, '09, 15:40
by Harry Babb

Follow your gut.....your gut don't lie.......the confusion comes when you let your emotion and brain get involved......

Follow your gut......


Posted: Feb 13th, '09, 16:32
by Carl
Well persistance paid of for him...sort of anyway.

He's hired as a production worker, came to me at the end of the day, showed me his part and was able to measure every mistake he made on it and came clean that he was not a first class machinist, CNC setup/programer but has been working at learning the trade on his own. That accounts for something.

My gut told me to get rid of him this morning, and I did...kind of. After that I was just amused at watching him work so hard to produce nothing, easier to watch when your not paying him and he was careful with the equipment. He really wasn't even using the equipment much, mostly just crunching numbers, writing notes down and measuring.

Posted: Feb 13th, '09, 17:16
by Tommy
Could've been worse......he could have come to ask for your daughter's hand in marriage....................

Posted: Feb 13th, '09, 17:36
by CaptPatrick

Good for him... He had the balls to finish the day, and off the clock at that, and fessed up without trying to bull shit you any more. You probably did the right thing and, who knows, some day a few years from now, he might be your star worker. I'm sure that he's grateful to you for giving him all the latitude you did.



Posted: Feb 13th, '09, 18:31
by Raybo Marine NY
when they cant see thier mistakes then there is a REAL problem

I bet the guy went home glad the day was over, the poor bastard wrecked his car and lost his job

I can say I have had days that I felt things would have been better if I stayed in bed!

Posted: Feb 13th, '09, 18:56
by scooter28
i agree with capt. patrick being in the same trade i know firsthand the worse type are the ones who think they're always right and they know everything wait thats my wife haha j/k anyways i applaud you for keepin him around whether he becomes an apprentice and shadows someone or he gets paid by the job, i think anyone who doesnt throw up they're hands and say f it on they're first day and admits they're mistakes deserves a second chance. hell at least give him time to pay for a new paint job on his car haha

Posted: Feb 13th, '09, 19:29
by randall
if theres a clash between a car and a wall....better to own the wall.

i started off as day labor/helper for a master carpenter. all it takes is desire and a boss thats willing to let you learn....after awhile i got a raise.

i'd let the guy try for awhile.