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Chowder Contest

Posted: Feb 5th, '09, 11:31
by Brewster Minton
Come to the Snapper Inn in Oakdale Long Island this Sat at 1pm. We are going to be in the contest for our second time.( We got second last year) If you can I would love to see some of the Faithful.

Posted: Feb 5th, '09, 11:51
by jspiezio
Brewster- will try to be there Saturday. What time does contest run until? And, more importantly, can I bring the kids?

Posted: Feb 5th, '09, 12:00
by Charlie J
have to work this sat and sun, else i would stop in good luck

Posted: Feb 5th, '09, 12:09
by Brewster Minton
contest is from 1pm till 330pm and it is good for kids too.

Posted: Feb 5th, '09, 12:22
by neil
good luck brewster

Posted: Feb 5th, '09, 13:16
by mike ohlstein
Bring some to the meeting tonight.....

Posted: Feb 5th, '09, 14:28
by TailhookTom
Good luck Brewster!

Posted: Feb 5th, '09, 15:40
by bob lico
i will be there brother.

Posted: Feb 6th, '09, 19:26
by Harv
I'll try. It's up to the little woman.

Changed my mind. Will be there with or without her.

Brew- good luck

Posted: Feb 7th, '09, 01:15
by CaptDana
Good luck, Unfortunately I am stuck in Michigan awaiting the thaw- we are suppose to finally have a thaw this weekend- first one since last year. I am licking my chops imagining the smell of the chowder.
Have fun

Posted: Feb 7th, '09, 08:48
by Brewster Minton
look forward to seeing everyone. Today we take the gold!!!

Posted: Feb 7th, '09, 08:54
by Carl
Go for it!

Good luck.


Posted: Feb 7th, '09, 08:56
by CaptPatrick
Good luck Brew, wish I could be there!

Posted: Feb 7th, '09, 09:21
by randall
good luck!!

Posted: Feb 7th, '09, 09:42
by In Memory Walter K
You deserve the Gold! I've tasted Brew's Chowder. Is there a Platinum award?

Posted: Feb 7th, '09, 09:48
by Capt. DQ
Good Luck! Brew

Posted: Feb 7th, '09, 14:35
by Bruce
One of only a few times I wish I lived close enough to go.

But don't worry, it'll pass.

Posted: Feb 7th, '09, 16:12
by neil
brewster is kinda like a randall but in the seafood world ,or as his mother would say a fish monger good luck

Posted: Feb 7th, '09, 18:03
by Capt Dick Dean
The event was well attended. The judges were: The local radio station w/radio 'personalities', a state assemblyman and a food critic from the New York Times. Oh, yeah, some jerk from "save the bay" kinda thing. There must a have been five hundred people. I had to park way out on the access road. Geez, what a mob.

I finally got to Brewster's table thru the mob and he had four offerings. Manhattan clam chowder, New England clam chowder, lobster bisque and something else. Well let me tell you. It would make us proud. No one had four enteries. And all just wonderful. The man is a cullinary master. And four bright young men serving. All dress up in fine kitchen duds.

"So where is Brewster?'

"He's over to the left side of the bar in the other room. Holding a fishing seminar".

But the host, the Snapper Inn took the prizes. Brew finished in the money. Not good enough for him. He comes first. You know, the host resturant should not win . Shouldn't even be in the contest. The judges were ass kissing the owner. No doubt about it. I'm gonna' sent a protest letter!

Holy cow! It was just like the UVI tournements. I mean these outings are over before they start. I remenber that when RussP's wife came in with the biggest fish, she didn't win. You know who said, " she didn't win because there was no "womans' division".

I want justice. We want justice. In the mean time, "Atta' boy Brew".

Posted: Feb 7th, '09, 18:36
by randall
good report sure brews was the best!!

Posted: Feb 7th, '09, 21:39
by Harv
Brew would have cleaned up if there was a people's choice award.
There was some good competition, but the "house" offerings seemed a bit thin and watery for my tastes. Michelle, (my girlfriend) rated Brew's Manhattan Clam Chowder and Lobster Bisque as her favorites, but gave a slight nod to the New England Clam Chowder form Porter's. I value her opinion as I do not do clam chowder or anything else clam for that matter, except bait. But the raves I heard from others, seemed like Brew should have come out on top. Hell, his table had the biggest crowds all afternoon!

Posted: Feb 8th, '09, 07:57
by Brewster Minton
We did not win but a good time was had by all and it was nice to see some of the Faithful!

Posted: Feb 8th, '09, 08:36
by jspiezio
My kids voted for Brewster's, although they may have had some undo outside influence placed on them.