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US Airways Crash

Posted: Jan 15th, '09, 22:48
by Harry Babb
Just a few thoughts here
I am still amazed as the events of todays crash continue to unfold.

We should give the Pilot that successfully steered his craft into the Hudson river and ALL of the search and rescue workers a national thank you.

When I was a young man we had heros that we all looked up Babe Ruth, Micky Mantle and Sandy Koufax just to mention a very few.

Its been years since we have had hero and mentors like those guys to look up to but tonight I have to give a heart warming thanks to everyone involved in the rescue of Airways Flight 1549.

On TV the clip showed a diver jump from a helicopter into the 32 degree water...........that takes courage



Posted: Jan 15th, '09, 22:55
by randall

..sandy yer talkin

Posted: Jan 15th, '09, 23:33
by mike ohlstein
I suspect fowl play.......

Posted: Jan 16th, '09, 05:58
by Charlie J
the pilot did one hell of a job, the news says he was a f-4 phantom jet pilot in vietnam, thats the kind guy i would want in the cockpit.

Posted: Jan 16th, '09, 06:38
by ScottD
Isn't that pilot one of those union entitlement guys?

Posted: Jan 16th, '09, 07:06
by jspiezio
Those damn liberal NY fireman and cops. Let those passengers save their butts.

Posted: Jan 16th, '09, 07:54
by mike ohlstein
ScottD wrote:Isn't that pilot one of those union entitlement guys?
No, he's a highly trained professional who couldn't get the job without joining the union.

He'd be earning more, if there wasn't so much money being spent on retirement benifits for baggage handlers.

Posted: Jan 16th, '09, 08:09
by Bruce
Sorry Harry for the high jack on what otherwise was a nice post.

Lets leave the union comments for the approriate threads. Otherwise they get deleted next time.

BTW Mike, how bad is the large bird population around that area this time of year? Canadian Geese maybe?

I predict a controlled trap or hunting season for airports now. After all it only takes one anymore.

Posted: Jan 16th, '09, 08:19
by Brewster Minton
There is a lot of geese flying by here everyday so I think thats not to far from here as a geese flies.

Posted: Jan 16th, '09, 08:24
by White Bear
Canada Geese by the millions - a plague. They just don't seem to go south as they did in the past.

Posted: Jan 16th, '09, 08:52
by Bruce
They just don't seem to go south as they did in the past
Prices have risen down here..................

Posted: Jan 16th, '09, 09:00
by Mikey
In addition to his fighter skills and airline skills he is also an avid glider pilot. Talk about the convergence of the right stuff at the right time. Whew!

Posted: Jan 16th, '09, 09:00
by In Memory of Vicroy
One of the patent attys that worked for me was an aero engineer and described how when working for P&W they shot turkeys out of n air cannon into the intakes of jet engines. He says the engines only survive ingestion of large birds like geese and turkeys about 20% of the time, thus two motors or more. Flocks don't count. Down here the big problem are snow and blue geese and there is a special "conservation" season on them with no limits, no plugs in guns, use of electronic calls and pretty much shoot 'em up any time of the day or night to try to control the no avail. We have some canada geese living down the street that attacked the Bride the other day while she was weeding a bed.......I put a decoy out in front, a large welfare check.....


Posted: Jan 16th, '09, 09:19
by Charlie J
as stated we have alot of resident geese, also this time of year we have huge rafts of brandt

Posted: Jan 16th, '09, 09:27
by randall
i took caren to the airport on wednesday and on the way home saw a huge flock of geese over a farm field flying in there familiar V pattern. it didn't occure to me that they could be a problem.........but there is no shortage of them around the local airport .

Posted: Jan 16th, '09, 10:22
by Harry Babb
Mike Ohlstien wrote:I suspect fowl play.......
Good one Mike.......took me a minute to catch on....but I never professed to be the brightest bulb on the tree Ha Ha! !

Speaking of FOUL play check out this crash

It happened about 60 miles from my nest


Posted: Jan 16th, '09, 10:25
by CMP
Amazing job of flying and keeping one's head. As to the goose issue, at Pease where I keep my plane, they pay ppl to shoot em. They used to do at Logan, but the peta-types managed to get it stopped. My guess is that goose-eradication in and around commercial airports will begin in earnest again-at least I hope so...


Posted: Jan 16th, '09, 11:19
by mike ohlstein
I'm about 6 miles from LGA (as the goose flies). The geese are thick around here. Canada Geese are pretty well protected, and even the special January goose hunt doesn't put a dent in their population. There are very few goose hunters up this way. I guess that no one really cares to spend any time in a cold wet blind, to shoot birds that taste like fertillizer, oil, and sewage.

My contention is that a goose that summers in NY is no longer a Canada Goose....and is thereby no longer I act accordingly.....but I'm in the minority.

Plenty of money to be made if you can figure out how to keep them from crapping up all of the parks, golf courses, and finely manicured North Shore lawns around here.

Perhaps a giant GPU using Geese instead of Grobek could be built on the site where Long Islanders spent 3 billion dollars building a Nuke plant that never opened, and was sold to the state for $1.00........

Posted: Jan 16th, '09, 11:33
by jspiezio
mike ohlstein wrote:I'm about 6 miles from LGA (as the goose flies). The geese are thick around here. Canada Geese are pretty well protected, and even the special January goose hunt doesn't put a dent in their population. There are very few goose hunters up this way. I guess that no one really cares to spend any time in a cold wet blind, to shoot birds that taste like fertillizer, oil, and sewage.

My contention is that a goose that summers in NY is no longer a Canada Goose....and is thereby no longer I act accordingly.....but I'm in the minority.

Plenty of money to be made if you can figure out how to keep them from crapping up all of the parks, golf courses, and finely manicured North Shore lawns around here.

Perhaps a giant GPU using Geese instead of Grobek could be built on the site where Long Islanders spent 3 billion dollars building a Nuke plant that never opened, and was sold to the state for $1.00........
Good restaurant across the river right there.

Posted: Jan 16th, '09, 11:54
by randall
turns out he hit the geese at about 4000 feet from behind. shooing and shooting the geese at airports is fine but bird strikes happen all over at all altitudes the records being 39 thou and in the middle of the ocean.

i only know this cause i just listened to an expert on the radio.

Posted: Jan 16th, '09, 12:41
by Carl
There are tons of geese around's a real issue on the rise.

Can you believe we are also being overrun by Turkeys'. Used to be a few at the mental hospital...don't know why but they have been there for years, and now they are moving out into other areas and increasing in population.

Posted: Jan 16th, '09, 13:13
by Harry Babb
We do not have a goose problem this far in the south but ocassionally I have noticed a flock flying over.....I guess headed south.

Funny thing is that they fly in the "V" formation and most of the time one leg of the "V" is longer than the other leg.

Why is that?????

As far as solving the goose problem around the airports it think that could be easily corrected by calling Timmy and Phydeaux at "Goose Busters"

I'll bet a goose hitting the ground makes sort of a THUDDDDDD sound


Posted: Jan 16th, '09, 13:16
by In Memory Walter K
Our environmentalists introduced them here and now it isn't unusual to see a dozen or more full sized ones walk across your property. No natural predators so they're reproducing like crazy. Meanwhile they're also picketing town hall to outlaw hunting. The local deer eat everything in sight and it's going to get worse as for whatever reason there are no Acorns from our Oak trees this year. What few there were have been hoarded by the Squirrels. Once the deer get real hungry they get pretty bold. I have 2 big dogs that hear real well and bark real loud, yet I find deer prints right up to my doorsteps on a regular basis. Walter

Posted: Jan 16th, '09, 13:26
by randall
walter....since caren is a bird brain ...and is now feeding the squrrils as well we have a family of four that are pretty much living in our back yard eating bird food. caren goes out to shoo them away......and they laugh at her.

Posted: Jan 16th, '09, 15:41
by In Memory Walter K
Randall- You're not alone. Dinaz puts out bird food and it's a veritable zoo/aviary outside my kitchen window. Walter

Posted: Jan 16th, '09, 16:32
by Tom
Harry Babb wrote:We do not have a goose problem this far in the south but ocassionally I have noticed a flock flying over.....I guess headed south.

Funny thing is that they fly in the "V" formation and most of the time one leg of the "V" is longer than the other leg.

Why is that?????

Harry, as John Audabon noted many years ago, the reason for the geese not having the same numbers on one side as the other is because there are more geese on one side.

Had some whacko's out here a few years ago decide to chase geese away from hunters in their single engine plane. 3 things happened: 1. they stirred up the birds making them decoy into nearby hunters spreads 2. had a large flock come up around them smashing into the windshield and damaging the prop forcing an emergency landing 3. federal game wardens charged the environmentalists with harrasing migratory waterfowl. Karma's a bitch-T

Also note, the captain of the US Airways is a native Texan. Little surprise I'm sure.-T

Posted: Jan 16th, '09, 19:27
by Harry Babb
Tom wrote:Harry, as John Audabon noted many years ago, the reason for the geese not having the same numbers on one side as the other is because there are more geese on one side.
Got me Tom! ! ! .......You'd be surprised how many people fall for that one...


Posted: Jan 16th, '09, 20:25
by randall
seems andre told me an interesting story about migratory birds..................

Posted: Jan 16th, '09, 21:32
by CaptPatrick
...and under an overpass...

Posted: Jan 17th, '09, 11:08
by gplume
Speaking of Uncle Vic's post and bird injestion tests for jet engines, I used to work for Pratt & Whitney back inthe late 70's. At the time there was this "story" going around, where I believe during some engine testing for bird injestion they lunched a 9D engine (747 size high bypass ratio engine). As the story goes, the FAA has a spec for how many birds you need to injest, and how much they must weigh. Apparently the birds they had were not up to the FAA spec limit, so some "einstein" decides to fill the birds up with RTV (The red high temp RTV is used in many places on the engine.) Any way, RTV does not disitigrate like bird gut. Needless to say, they dropped a fan blade and lunched a several million dollar test engine. Funny aside relative the the news story.

Relating to the story....this guy sounds like areal Chuck Yeager type, flying crop dusters when he was 15. Mlitary training I'm sure did not hurt either. Best part of the story to me, he checks his plane twice to make sure everyone got off. Hats off to him....we need a few more like that running our country and business's. Perhaps the "me firsters" will take note.

Posted: Jan 17th, '09, 13:25
by randall
the corp ceos are wondering why he didnt bail out then seek govt "bail out" funds.

Posted: Jan 17th, '09, 21:38
by Ironman
One theory on the flying vees..
The strongest bird leads & causes drafting to the others.. Then when he gets tired he goes to the end & the next strongest takes over.. Kinda like Talledega...

Posted: Jan 17th, '09, 21:51
by JP Dalik
Does that mean your either first or last?

Hold on little baby Jesus this is about to get bumpy.

Posted: Jan 17th, '09, 22:00
by Ironman
If you got two birds.... I guess that right..
Ill pop some popcorn
Let it rip

Posted: Jan 18th, '09, 09:12
by Harry Babb
Ya know......If you AIN'T the lead bird........the scenery never changes

Where is Timmy........I cannot believe were talking about birds and he ain't in the middle of it


Posted: Jan 18th, '09, 10:05
by randall
i think thats dogs

Posted: Jan 18th, '09, 11:06
by Bruce
This is a fine example of proper training to the point of it being second nature.

Simulator time is worth its weight in human lives.
My contention is that a goose that summers in NY is no longer a Canada Goose....and is thereby no longer protected
I tried that with canadian boaters and it didn't work. For some reason its still against the law to eradicate them.

Posted: Jan 18th, '09, 11:18
by Buju
I tried that with canadian boaters and it didn't work. For some reason its still against the law to eradicate them.
Brings to mind a song by a local Keys musician...

"If it's snowbird season, then why can't we shoot 'em"

Posted: Jan 18th, '09, 11:28
by Brewster Minton
<object width="450" height="370"><param name="movie" value=" ... ram><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="450" height="370"></embed></object>
check this out

Posted: Jan 19th, '09, 12:07
by Carl
Come on now if Scully was really that good he would've brought it in right along side that dock... ya really wanna impress me, back it in.

Mike, sorry but I ripped off that Suspect Fowl Play line many times this past week.

Posted: Jan 19th, '09, 13:12
by mike ohlstein
sim wrote:Mike, sorry but I ripped off that Suspect Fowl Play line many times this past week.
I can't believe that the NY Post never used it.......

Posted: Jan 30th, '09, 10:32
by mike ohlstein
This is in the news today. I wonder how much they paid for information that they could have gotten here for free......

Bird Expert: Too Many Canada Geese in NYC-LI Area

HEMPSTEAD, N.Y. (AP) -- A state official says that New York City and Long Island are home to an excessive number of Canada geese.

State game bird specialist Bryan Swift says there is about five times the number of Canada geese than should be supported by the region's land mass. He says the area is home to an estimated 20,000 of the birds.

The state Department of Environmental Conversation official was speaking at a round-table discussion in Hempstead convened on Thursday to talk about how to control the geese population.

The region's geese have come under scrutiny as possible culprits in the crippling of US Airways Flight 1549. The pilot was forced to ditch the jet in the Hudson River after the engines lost power following a bird strike.

Posted: Jan 30th, '09, 10:41
by jspiezio
mike ohlstein wrote:This is in the news today. I wonder how much they paid for information that they could have gotten here for free......

Bird Expert: Too Many Canada Geese in NYC-LI Area

HEMPSTEAD, N.Y. (AP) -- A state official says that New York City and Long Island are home to an excessive number of Canada geese.

State game bird specialist Bryan Swift says there is about five times the number of Canada geese than should be supported by the region's land mass. He says the area is home to an estimated 20,000 of the birds.

The state Department of Environmental Conversation official was speaking at a round-table discussion in Hempstead convened on Thursday to talk about how to control the geese population.

The region's geese have come under scrutiny as possible culprits in the crippling of US Airways Flight 1549. The pilot was forced to ditch the jet in the Hudson River after the engines lost power following a bird strike.
Used to shoot them at Breeze Farm on Scuttlehole Road when I was a kid. Won a great print of "Shooting The Breeze" at a DU auction at Spring Farms. Brings back memories.

Maybe we'll get a chance to start shooting them at some of the remaining open spaces around here.

Posted: Jan 30th, '09, 13:01
by randall
my best memory of scuttlehole rd was hitting about 100 in my friends testa rosa. being on the way to the race track im sure it saw far more flagrant violations.

Posted: Jan 30th, '09, 13:53
by Capt. DQ


Ya know......If you AIN'T the lead bird........the scenery never changes

If you had 2-Geese in front of 2-Geese and 2-Geese behind 2-Geese and 2-Geese beside many Geese are in flying formation?


Posted: Jan 30th, '09, 14:10
by Rawleigh
I'm sure they won't allow hunting, but will instead put them on birth control for $50 per bird!! It is the only"humane" way! I say T shot is the way to go!