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Happy New Year
Posted: Dec 31st, '08, 20:46
by Tony Meola
Happy New Year. May 09 be all that we hope for.
Posted: Dec 31st, '08, 21:31
by Harry Babb
Right back at ya Tony....
And a healthy/happy new year to all of my B31 friends.
Posted: Dec 31st, '08, 22:32
by JP Dalik
To the friends I've met Happy New Year and I share a drink from miles away.
To the friends I've yet to meet but have come to know through this site. Happy New Year and I look forward to sharing a drink with you all.
For tonight CHEERS!!!!! and to hell with 2008
Posted: Dec 31st, '08, 22:35
by JohnD
Happy New Year All!!
I'll hoist a tost to ya from B-more!!!
Here's to a better '09!!!!!
Posted: Jan 1st, '09, 00:09
by Rocky
Happy New Year everyone, and I wish everbody the best!!