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winter weather got you down? things could be worse

Posted: Dec 21st, '08, 10:46
by Raybo Marine NY
these pictures have been floating around the internet for a couple of years, with all the snow and ice around it reminded me of them.

I guess things could be alot worse huh?



Posted: Dec 21st, '08, 10:52
by Harry Babb

I'll just sit tight and wait for Hueso to send more warm tropical pictures

I realize that this is not severe for some people but should hit the mid 20's here in South Alabama in the morning

May be Hueso will keep up us warmed up all winter with mo pics


Posted: Dec 21st, '08, 10:53
by Raybo Marine NY
the snopes page linked has 2 incerdible hi-rez shots of boats that had sunk, I could not link the pictures into the thread but check the link to check them out

Posted: Dec 21st, '08, 10:56
by Raybo Marine NY

Posted: Dec 21st, '08, 10:59
by Raybo Marine NY

Posted: Dec 21st, '08, 11:10
by CaptPatrick
Screw that icy crap! The one thing I hate, (maybe more than BalsaCore), is temperatures below 50ºF... I'd never make it as a Yankee!


Posted: Dec 21st, '08, 11:13
by Raybo Marine NY
its pretty warm here today, a balmy 36 degrees or so

I have been to Alaska, we did not get to see scenery like this


Posted: Dec 21st, '08, 11:15
by Raybo Marine NY

Posted: Dec 21st, '08, 11:21
by randall
i need winter...otherwise i would never get any work done. i'm really enjoying long days in the shop with the woodstove blasting and a nice snow scene out the window.......and if i get nuts i can always go kayaking.


Posted: Dec 21st, '08, 12:00
by CaptPatrick
These guys obviously need some psychological help...

Posted: Dec 21st, '08, 14:16
by jspiezio
Raybo Marine NY wrote:Image
Have a few friends up in Leland Michigan who do this every year. I've never had the nerve, maybe a couple of our Michigan guys could elaborate on berging?

Posted: Dec 21st, '08, 15:13
by neil
capt pat the palmtree is a nice touch but those guys are just plain olde stupid

Posted: Dec 21st, '08, 15:31
by CaptPatrick
I figure that those bare chests lasted just long enough to snap the photo... Now just how long that palm tree would last, with snow laden fronds, is a puzzle.

Posted: Dec 21st, '08, 15:42
by Raybo Marine NY
I decided to have a bikini contest as well


I wish- photo borrowed off the net

Posted: Dec 21st, '08, 16:59
by luis
Now this is a hot winter!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :P :P :twisted:

Posted: Dec 21st, '08, 18:12
by Bruce
Don't rub the winter in.

While all you youngsters are bravin the cold, your friggin parents are down here running red lites, driving 10 mph, walkin slower than a snail and generaly makin a mess of things.

Al Gore's a lying bastard.

Posted: Dec 21st, '08, 18:14
by Capt. DQ
That group would be a better bare chest shot to me.


Posted: Dec 21st, '08, 22:15
by Tony Meola
Note to Al Gore, its not climate change, its called Winter.

Posted: Dec 22nd, '08, 08:18
by 34Hatt
Bruce wrote:Don't rub the winter in.

While all you youngsters are bravin the cold, your friggin parents are down here running red lites, driving 10 mph, walkin slower than a snail and generaly makin a mess of things.

Al Gore's a lying bastard.

Not mine Mom is up here for Xmas but I be sending het back to Ya real soon!

Posted: Dec 22nd, '08, 10:39
by Harry Babb
Just to make things balance out I'm gonna send my mom up your way Dan.......good luck ! ! !


Posted: Dec 22nd, '08, 10:52
by Mikey
Why do you think I have a business in the Virgin Islands and our Annual Home-owners meeting is in February. Let's see some more pictures from San Juan.

My favorite tree???
Palm tree . . . see any? No? we're in the wrong place!
Ice on the creek and the pond this morning and tomorrow's supposed to be cold. Oh, yea? What's today?
Pray for February.

Posted: Dec 22nd, '08, 23:40
by bob lico
raybo you see that picture of those girls well there is a stock 31 bertram that comes out of fire island pines the cockpit has the same show.i saw him in the distance one day drifting foe weakfish.i pull in the line fire those engine but he duck into the pines looks the same age as me but must have deep pockets or---------------

Posted: Dec 23rd, '08, 07:57
by jspiezio
bob lico wrote:raybo you see that picture of those girls well there is a stock 31 bertram that comes out of fire island pines the cockpit has the same show.i saw him in the distance one day drifting foe weakfish.i pull in the line fire those engine but he duck into the pines looks the same age as me but must have deep pockets or---------------
They're not girls Bob.....

Posted: Dec 23rd, '08, 08:26
by Charlie J
was thinking the same thing, bobs eyes must be going lol

Posted: Dec 23rd, '08, 08:35
by Hueso
Sorry Mike! .....but I had to do it...





Posted: Dec 23rd, '08, 10:11
by Mikey
Is that first picture the Baths on Virgin Gorda? Looks like home. That sunset sure warmed my cockles.
Merry Christmas!

Posted: Dec 23rd, '08, 10:42
by bob lico
most of fire island pine people remain incognito but those that are not gay go for privacy.very wealthy from the city along with a starlet in each arm.have a great friend in suffolk county police marine.the guys with the 21' challenger speedboat.we have had many a laugh years ago at the "tea dance"many celebrities in the audiance.anyways there is a 31fbc docked up river wonder who owns it?there is another in the greenport area that is custom.nice flag blue paint with gold stripe no tower fbc.i just didn`t know if they were aware of this site.
23degrees and maintaining i have to put surface heater on koi pond cannot let freeze over.this is the first time in 5 years.these guys are 2' and need constant attention as to both oxegen supply and leaf decay causing toxins.

Posted: Dec 23rd, '08, 12:34
by jspiezio
Sure Bob, not that there's anything wrong with that....

Posted: Dec 23rd, '08, 12:44
by Raybo Marine NY
I always get a kick out of Bob, only because he talks just as he types!

Hey at least its 32 degrees here right now and tomoroww it will be close to 50

Posted: Dec 23rd, '08, 13:23
by bob lico
raybo you should have seen the test results in college.univ of maryland professor says " i all my life i have never given a 90/10, bob where were you doing during english class" that is a content over /grammer-spelling score.

Posted: Dec 23rd, '08, 15:23
by Hueso

Sure it is......Virgin of the best places on Earth.....

Posted: Dec 23rd, '08, 16:36
by In Memory Walter K
Raybo-I sure hope you're right! Walter

Posted: Dec 23rd, '08, 16:41
by Raybo Marine NY
in my next life I want to be a weather man

forcast for Wed: Rain/ High 48 Low 40

Posted: Dec 23rd, '08, 21:16
by randall
up down up down....loony