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Snowing in houston?

Posted: Dec 10th, '08, 17:31
by Bruce
I hear its snowing in Houston.

Anybody phone Al Gore?

Posted: Dec 10th, '08, 17:36
by JP Dalik
Heard on the radio that new studies show that the reason the Earth was getting warmer was because the sun actually got hotter (sun spot activity blah blah)
If its true does Al give the prize back???

Posted: Dec 10th, '08, 17:37
by Tom
75 degrees yesterday, snow today and tomorrow, 75 on Saturday. Sure hope the hurricane/cold weather theory doesn't hold this year. Last few coldest winters were preceeded by strong hurricane hits. 1962, 1983, 1989 got so cold the bays froze. Snowing for the last three hours on the NW side, only sticking on fences and day old dog turds. I bet the old fart got some in the hill country.

Posted: Dec 10th, '08, 17:50
by In Memory Walter K
I wonder what caused the global warming after the Ice age in a world where there were no industries, automobiles, etc. to blame it on. Neanderthals making too many fires to roast their Carabou? Earth has been in a constant state of change since the Big Bang. The Big Boob just noticed it...and is getting rich on it. Like it or not, it's going to warm, or cool, or do whatever the hell it wants. Should we cut back on pollutants, etc? Yes, but only for reasons of our own health. It ain't going to change things by one degree. We cut down on Freon, aerosol propellants etc over 15 years ago. Any positive change in the ozone layer? Walter

Posted: Dec 10th, '08, 18:05
by CaptPatrick
I bet the old fart got some in the hill country.
No snow here, but it's colder'n a witches tit. Got some light rain yesterday, puddles were frozen solid this morning & didn't thaw until later this afternoon... Callin' for 28º tonight, will probably dip to 24º.

Yeah, I know our Yankee Brethern think this is T-shirt weather, but any thing below 50º and I ain't a happy camper.

Posted: Dec 10th, '08, 18:48
by Rob C
I just put the plants in the garage, and got a fire in the fire place. We are still looking for a weather window to go get a few more Tuna. The window got a little too close for comfort for this Fri.

Rob C

Posted: Dec 10th, '08, 19:01
by Bruce
Mid 80's today and sunny.

Cold front comming Thurs, maybe get in the low 70's, brrrrrrrrrrrrr.

BTW Pat, I'm back helping Allen as best I can to get that 25 in the water.
Dash is wired and the second engine is just about bolted solid.

Still a bunch of work to go.

Might have to wear a long sleve shirt on Friday.

Posted: Dec 10th, '08, 19:31
by randall
not a pretty day here...but pushin 60....we have the rollercoaster at the moment....up down up down.

Posted: Dec 10th, '08, 21:29
by Garry
Snow and sleet possible tonight on north shore of lake ponchartrain. As of this writing the frog strangling rain has washed away the day old dog turds....


Posted: Dec 10th, '08, 22:05
by DanielM
I live in Freeport south of Houston. About 3 miles off the beach. The deck is covered with about ½” & it’s still falling with a strong north wind. I used to live in the Texas panhandle, moved down here 24 years ago to get away from that cold wet stuff…..I guess a little every few years will help me remember why I like the coast.


Posted: Dec 10th, '08, 22:17
by Tom
Garry: If you have the proper dog ratio, should be plenty turds by tomorrow. Got some fresh steamers in my backyard that'll still be too warm by morning for any accumulation. Kathy's potted plants are taking a beating though. Got a good 64th of an inch accumulation as we speak. I'm thinking we might lose a Plumeria by daybreak. Looking for my tire chains......Al Gore is brilliant though...His minions are the idiots.-T

Posted: Dec 11th, '08, 13:27
by Garry

Snow on french quarter roofs today but no snow, dogs or day old dog turds at the house in Slidell.

Posted: Dec 31st, '08, 14:56
by JPRS51
I know I am late to this discussion but, I was stuck on a runway at Bush Int. for 7 hours on teh 10th of Devember in a 737 due to the snow and the lack of de-icing trucks. They only had 2 and one of them broke down. There are at least 40 planes scattered on the runway.

Posted: Dec 31st, '08, 19:55
by Harv
JP Dalik wrote:Heard on the radio that new studies show that the reason the Earth was getting warmer was because the sun actually got hotter (sun spot activity blah blah)
If its true does Al give the prize back???
That also explains the shrinking ice caps on Mars. Not too much human activity up there right now.

Posted: Dec 31st, '08, 20:07
by Capt. DQ
Al give the prize back???
AL Who! Now your dreamin, He's a taker not a giver. Get a Firefly & Crytal and I'm gonna get me Rum & Coke to get all warmed up for the new year.