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Electrolysis damage

Posted: Dec 1st, '08, 16:55
by davidms
During the season, I had a new neighbor in the slip next to my boat. The guy has a old, ratty Bayliner that he and his family used as a weekend place to live. Kept the boat plugged in all the time. The boat never left the dock.

Well, my boat got hauled on Fiday. On the side closest to my neighbor, as you can probably guess, the zincs were completely gone. I didn't see any additional damage, but my questions to you all are:

What should I have checked to make sure nothing else was damaged by the electrolysis?

What can I do in the future to avoid this situation?


David S

Posted: Dec 1st, '08, 17:45
by In Memory Walter K
I guess first hope he's not your neighbor next year. If you're at a marina where you can, have the marina owners put him next to a set of sailboats. I'd over zinc that side and probably hang one of those fish zincs over your stern. If your props are nor pitted or have no signs of damage and your zincs on your other side are still there, you're probably ok. Walter

Posted: Dec 1st, '08, 22:36
by Tony Meola
You will know if any of the running gear or through holes have been impacted. Yo will see pit and burn marks.