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Posted: Oct 24th, '08, 20:47
by scot
But he wants some long term storage food stuffs.
Bruce it sounds to me like he is getting ready to bug out if the election goes badly before they can grab his money, and hand it out to the homeless guy on the corner.

Sorry Bruce & Captain Patrick, I tried to stop myself but I couldn't.

Posted: Oct 24th, '08, 22:02
by Skipper Dick

Mt. House and a few other similar companies based around Salt Lake used to make Long Range Patrols (LRP) for the military. We used them in Mt. Rescue efforts and in lots of our Rescue training exercises.

They were not as good as home cooked, but they were a lot better than the canned rations. And, they had a very long shelf life. All you needed to do was follow the instructions to a "T" and have on hand some fresh water or a method of melting snow. We would have to boil the water and add it to the packet.

The LRP menu was a little limited, but the civilian menu was a lot larger. Another thing we liked about them was that they were light and fairly compact since they were freeze dried and vacuum sealed.

We had a jump mission in the interior of Alaska years ago. It was way out near McGrath, Alaska. After we took care of the patient, I knew we were going to have to spend the night since the weather was closing in, so I had the Rescue bird drop our "house keeping kit" that had our LRPs and camping gear. We fed our LRPs to the survivors and the few native neighbors and they went bananas over the stuff.


Posted: Oct 25th, '08, 00:17
by mike ohlstein
They're probably still selling MRE's for a dollar all over

Posted: Oct 25th, '08, 00:20
by Ironman
Ahh..LRRPs long range recon patrols... We had them ..4 different ones or so . I liked the spagatti & ground meat.. There was a potatoe one too. Im surprised they arent more around here in the "world"..
One thing bad about them was the extra water you had to hump. besides the13 quarts for my three days,just for drinking.. so I kept the lrrps to a min.
The C's were pretty bad tho.

Posted: Oct 25th, '08, 09:07
by Tom
Bruce, the wife and I used to do alot of camping and such. We really enjoyed the Mt. House products. Leaving tuesday for 10 days elk hunting and have a bunch of the product. I always keep some on hand at the house and boat just in case. I think its a good way to go for his needs.