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To Randall from Portugal

Posted: Oct 23rd, '08, 11:34
by luis
I find this pictures on a fishing blog I go sometimes, this is about 30 kms (20 miles) south of Lisbon. Near Setubal city and Troia peninsula a very nice place. I didn't know people do kayak fishing here in my country, now I know but maybe I don't try. Anyway I remember you like to do this so, enjoy. Thanks


Posted: Oct 23rd, '08, 11:43
by randall
hey luis....thanks a lot.....its getting pretty cold here so soon it will be like this


Posted: Oct 23rd, '08, 15:22
by Charlie J
what are you fishing for seals

Posted: Oct 23rd, '08, 17:20
by randall
yeah...transmission seals....better chance than catching a fish.

one time i was kayaking in shinnecock bay (waiting for mike to show up) in february. all of a sudden this "dog" starts swimming towards me. im thinkin...this is a tough dog.....of course it was a harbor seal...that wanted to play. i wasnt too interested...40 degree water. that lisbon in the background?

Posted: Oct 24th, '08, 04:25
by luis
alo Randall , no its not Lisbon. This is a peninsula called TROIA that is in front of Setubal city. About 20 miles south of Lisbon. On the sea side of this peninsula (right of the image) you have about 20 kms of plain beaches with small forest on the back. The part you see on the image is a resort with 3 or 4 hotels,apartments, villas and a marina. You can have a better idea on : When I came to this part I stay the night on the inside part that is Sado river, anchored, and its very pleasant. Greetings

Posted: Oct 24th, '08, 08:18
by randall
sorry luis....i reread the first post and saw you spelled it out pretty plain.....looks like a very beautiful part of the world. what kind of fish do you catch there

Posted: Oct 24th, '08, 09:10
by Mikey
Only water that close to your body should be in a glass!
Where are the palm trees?

Posted: Oct 24th, '08, 09:24
by luis
randall wrote:sorry luis....i reread the first post and saw you spelled it out pretty plain.....looks like a very beautiful part of the world. what kind of fish do you catch there
Allo again Randall , well on the inside and entrance of this bay they catch cuttlefish, squids, snooks, mackerel, many kinds of seabream.
Out on the sea is a place for big fish. Check this site : ... n_azul.htm
Is in portuguese but you can see the pictures and the videos. It was last month and it seems is the biggest blue marlin they catch ( 418 kgs) and they say it tooks about 7 hours to have him onbord. The boat is based on a small fishing town Sesimbra (more turist town now) on the bay that belongs to Setubal city. Near Espichel cape.

Posted: Oct 24th, '08, 12:39
by randall
luis....even in the pacific i have seen portuguese fishing ships....i guess fishing is popular there. a lot closer to my skin all morning......3 mil wetsuit.