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Algae X

Posted: Oct 5th, '08, 20:53
by Terry Frank
Does anyone have any experience with the Algae X devices? Thanks.

Posted: Oct 6th, '08, 08:59
by Brewster Minton
I know some guys who put it in and it works great. no one is sure why.

Posted: Oct 6th, '08, 09:05
by IRGuy
I know Uncle Vic has them.. I think he swears by them.

I googled "algae x" and found a bunch of B31 forum references to them.

BTW.. How did the repower go? I stopped by and looked at your boat when it was in the yard here and saw they were in the early stages of aligning the mounting brackets to the stringers.

Posted: Oct 6th, '08, 09:22
by Capt. DQ

They are fuel polishing units, the magnets within help remove trash from your dirty fuel and from your dirty fuel tanks in your boat and help in conjunction to your fuel filters in keeping your fuel clean. I use them on my boat and have seem to help my needs.


Posted: Oct 6th, '08, 09:47
by CaptPatrick
Actually, the theory behind Algae-X, and other magnetic treatment units, is not to clean the liquid passing through them, but to destroy micro-organisms by rupturing their membrane when the pass through the strong magnetic field produced by rare earth magnents.

Some people swear by the theory and others think of it as snake oil. I believe that the micro-organisms are indeed killed by the magnetic field, but no such device does anything else to condition, clean, or otherwise change the liquid passing through. Dead micro-organisms are then collected in the filter system.



Posted: Oct 6th, '08, 10:02
by Capt. DQ

Posted: Oct 6th, '08, 10:23
by CaptPatrick
Algae-X wrote:The addition of ALGAE-X AFC-705 Diesel Fuel Catalyst will enhance and accelerate the tank cleaning process by breaking down, dispersing, and dissolving existing tank sludge and slime, stabilize and restore fuel quality, decontaminate compartments of the tank that are out of reach of the suction line, and eliminates costly tank cleaning and fuel disposal fees. Treatment with the ALGAE-X Magnetic Fuel Conditioner (MFC) completes the process of making the fuel clear, bright, and usable.
The AFC-705 additive is what they are recomending to condition the fuel. The magnetic unit is still only killing microbes. Without any additives, that's what it does...



Posted: Oct 6th, '08, 12:02
by Capt. DQ
Capt. Patrick,

Your right on, ... gnets.html

I was trying to convey the same.


Posted: Oct 8th, '08, 10:42
Snake oil.......Spend the x-tra money on fuel filters if the fuel is dirty and more clean fuel as you use the boat. Running hundreds of gallons and changing filters often will work like magic to keep incoming fuel clean to the engine. I view those magnets the same as the magnetic braclets people wore for health reasons. TROY