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Catalina Classic Marlin Tourney

Posted: Sep 27th, '08, 18:47
by Spike Hunter
I wanted to give you guys an update on the Catalina Classic Marlin Tourney last week. I fished with a couple of my buddies on my 31FBC. We were one of the smallest boats in the field of 50 boats. The tourney was a two day event consiting of a kill and release division.

We brought a fish to the scale each day. The fishing was very good and a number of the boats had multiple fish days. We were in third place after the first day of fishing with a 171.5lb striped marlin. Our second fish weighted in at 169lb.

The tourney was outstanding and we had a great time!

"End of the Line"

Posted: Sep 27th, '08, 20:07
by CaptPatrick

See Links & Images...



Posted: Sep 28th, '08, 00:21
by Spike Hunter




Posted: Sep 28th, '08, 00:30
by Spike Hunter


Posted: Sep 28th, '08, 08:09
by Buju
Good shots, pretty boat, nice fish...

Are kill tourney's still common over on the left coast?

Posted: Sep 28th, '08, 09:20
by Brewster Minton
I would love to jam that in my smoker! Makes great dip.

Posted: Sep 28th, '08, 10:47
by Spike Hunter
Most of the tourney's are release. The Classic has always been a kill tourney. There is also a release division and during this tourney over 90 marlin were released during the two days of fishing. The tourneys at Catalina are all circle hooks zero offset.

This year the the fish had to measure 84 inches to be a qualifing fish. Our first fish taped 88 and the second one went 91 inches.

This was the first time that we have killed a local marlin. There was a significant amount of money on the line for this tourney.

Posted: Sep 28th, '08, 10:57
by CMP
I'm with Brewster, nothing like a good smoked marlin pate on Stoned Wheat Thins with a gnarly, strong Cali Cabernet! Nice work, Spike!!!


Posted: Sep 28th, '08, 11:17
by In Memory Walter K
Correct me if I'm wrong Brewster, but if you DID catch a Marlin, smoked it and made a huge batch of smoked Marlin salad, you couldn't sell the salad at your store. It would be deemed illegal, no? Walter

Posted: Sep 28th, '08, 11:48
by Ironman
Nice results,Guys...Good pics too.
My son got 1 ..tho not in a torny..
We were yft fishing lately.
Now the buggs are crawling...Image

Posted: Sep 28th, '08, 13:08
by Spike Hunter

where do you keep your boat? I am in HH.

I might be fishing YFT this week.

Posted: Sep 28th, '08, 14:01
by Ironman
Newport harbor...
Near Newport landing sportfishing..
Maybe see you out there..might switch & fish for the carp tho.

Posted: Sep 28th, '08, 15:12
by In Memory Walter K
Very Beast-y looking! Nice!

Posted: Sep 28th, '08, 17:49
by AndreF
You sure brightened my day!
Thanks for the post.
Congrats too!

Posted: Sep 28th, '08, 20:40
by Kingfish
Congrats on the catching Spike !

Posted: Sep 28th, '08, 21:39
by Harry Babb
Thank's Spike........I needed that......refreshing.......great pics.....

Those pics of "END OF THE LINE" are breath taking


Posted: Sep 29th, '08, 00:26
by Spike Hunter
Thanks for the kind works about "End of the Line".

We were very lucky to have the tounament boat photographer shoting shots of us.

Those shots mean alot to my team and I.

Posted: Sep 29th, '08, 08:15
by Brewster Minton
Walter, I cant sell it but I can eat it and give the rest to the "Faithful". I can buy a Marlin from out of the country are smoke it and sell it. I just need to be able to show the paper work that it is from outside US waters. Pretty stupid if you ask me but thats the rules.

Posted: Sep 29th, '08, 08:30
by In Memory Walter K
Just shows you how little the guys who make the rules know about species they make rules about. AND that they reward foreign fishermen for breaking rules they put on the American fishing fleet. If you are going to ban the sale of Marlin in the U.S., BAN it! For everyone! How the hell does an American Consumer know where the Marlin comes from? These must be the same guys who run our banking system.Talking heads with no brains! Walter

Posted: Sep 29th, '08, 12:10
by Tankwagon
Great job Peter! Glad to see my old boat all fixed up and catching fish!

Keep it up.


Posted: Sep 29th, '08, 14:54
by Ironman
So thats Lakuna all fixed up.
nice.. Still got the cummins 300s ..

Posted: Sep 29th, '08, 16:14
by Tankwagon
Hi Wayne-

and also still your outriggers I think.

She looks good Peter.



Posted: Sep 29th, '08, 22:06
by Spike Hunter
Yes the boat is powered with twin cummins 300. She is running very well and I am just getting used to running her.


The boat is a real fish raiser. We have caught several marlin this season and have caught more tuna then we need. I would like to chat with you if you have a few minutes sometime. We still have more to do in the off season on the boat.

Thanks for all the nice words.

"End of the Line"

Posted: Oct 1st, '08, 21:09
by Kingfish
Looked at that boat about 5 yrs. ago, but alas didn't have the out of pocket $$$$.

The boat looks T*T's, congrats again.