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Sad News

Posted: Sep 25th, '08, 10:22
by Capt Dick Dean
Just got a phone call that Harv's mom passed early this AM. She fought the good battle but God took her.
Harv's having a hard time this year ... having lost both Dad and Mom

Posted: Sep 25th, '08, 11:14
by Dug

Harv, when you get the time and mind to log in here, I expect you will find a long list of condolences.

I feel for you. I am thinking of you.

I am not going to claim to have advice for you. I have not been there, though I know I will some day.

Know you are loved by your friends, and your family. Time to really know that.

Harv, I am so, very, sorry for your loss. They surely are gone in person, but not in spirit at all. In that form, they are always with you. All the time.

Your friend,


Posted: Sep 25th, '08, 11:17
by Rawleigh
Harv: My sincerest condolences on both of your losses. I lost my Dad in 1999, but my Mom is still alive. I cannot imagine the pain of losing both of them in one year (compounded by your back)! My thoughts and prayers are with you and the rest of your family. Just remember that your Bertram family is with you no matter what. I know that there is not much that any of the rest of us can do to help right now, but I think I speak for the group when I say that if there is anything that any of us can do to help you out, please do not hesitate to ask. We would be honored! Your friend, Rawleigh

Posted: Sep 25th, '08, 11:35
by neil
Harv I have lost both my parents . Keep your chin up each day gets better Neil and family

Posted: Sep 25th, '08, 11:41
by John F.

My condolences. Really sorry for your loss. Hang in there.

John F.

Posted: Sep 25th, '08, 12:44
by Harry Babb
So sorry to hear the news Harv

My condolences to you and your family.


Posted: Sep 25th, '08, 12:49
by Carl
My sincerest condolences on your loss. I wish I had a gift where I can say or write something to ease your grief. Please hang in there and let us know if we can do something for you.


Posted: Sep 25th, '08, 12:52
by Capt.Frank
Harv My sincerest condolences to you and your family.


Posted: Sep 25th, '08, 13:00
by AndreF
So sorry, Harv.

Posted: Sep 25th, '08, 13:03
by IRGuy
Each of us deals with losses of their parents in different ways, and while all of us here share your grief we can't put into words anything that will heal the wounds you feel. Your feelings are yours, and all we can do is express our sympathies and offer you a lot of shoulders to lean on when you feel the need.

Please just know we are here and thinking of you.. and sending you our own strength as you mourn your loss. Be strong and know we all feel a sadness, as you would feel for us if your loss was ours.


Posted: Sep 25th, '08, 13:20
by Russ Pagels
Harv,my sincerest condolences on the loss of your mother.My mother and Dad are still with us but at 92, and 95 there time is slowly coming, and I will feel as you do now. again my deepest condolences...Russ

Posted: Sep 25th, '08, 13:42
by Capt. DQ
My condolences Harv.


Posted: Sep 25th, '08, 14:15
by CaptPatrick

Real sorry to hear about your mom. You're in our thoughts...



Posted: Sep 25th, '08, 14:41
by JP Dalik
sorry to hear the news Harv
my condolences

Posted: Sep 25th, '08, 15:01
by opunui
Harv.. from across the big pond we send our sincerest condolences.Our prayers will be with you and your family.Aloha Bobby

Posted: Sep 25th, '08, 15:12
by In Memory Walter K
Harv- So sorry to hear the news. Our thoughts are with you and hopes for your recovery from your both your losses this year and your surgery. Walter

Posted: Sep 25th, '08, 15:30
by Ed Curry
You're in our thoughts and prayers, Harv.
The Curry Family

Posted: Sep 25th, '08, 16:23
by TailhookTom

My deepest sympathy to you and your family. You are in our thoughts and prayers.


Posted: Sep 25th, '08, 16:44
by Hueso
Our thoughts are with you and your family....hope to hear from you soon.

Posted: Sep 25th, '08, 17:02
by Harv
Just wanted to say a quick thank you to all of you who I consider my extended family. It indeed has been a very rough year.

For anyone that is in the area, and would care to,
the funeral arrangements are as follows....
Sunday morning at 10am at
Parkside Memorial Chapel at
2576 Flatbush Ave, directly across the street from Kings Plaza Mall.

Following Chapel service we will be going directly to the cemetary
and then to my uncle's house in Jericho. I will post more information tomorrow, right now just need to unwind as it has been a long day.

sad news

Posted: Sep 25th, '08, 20:08
by bobfioresi
my thoughts are with and for you. i'm sure god needed a sweet lady to help him . your mom and you are in my prayers. best personal regards bob

Posted: Sep 25th, '08, 21:07
by Mack
Wow. One tough year for you. Dad, mom, your health, and your boat.

It can only get better from here!!!

Best of luck and let us know if we can help.

Posted: Sep 25th, '08, 22:59
by JohnCranston
We know that it's a tough time that you're going through. Stay strong, friend and let us know if there's anything that you need.
John and Pam.

Posted: Sep 25th, '08, 23:32
by Whaler1777
My sincerest condolences to you and your family Harv. Hang in there, time is the greatest of healers... She will be in my prayers... - John

Posted: Sep 26th, '08, 07:05
by JohnD
Harv, You have our deepest sympathies. We’ll keep you, your Dad and Mom in our prayers.


Posted: Sep 26th, '08, 07:11
by Brewster Minton
Harv, so sorry to hear the news. Thinking of you and if there is anything I can do just call.Brewster

Posted: Sep 26th, '08, 07:37
by Glen Snader
Harv: It is times like this that we need to take time and reflect on the joys in our life and the impact your Mom had on you and those around her. You are in my prayers and may God keep you, heal you and continue to bless you.

Posted: Sep 26th, '08, 10:31
by nic

Be assured of our best wishes for you in these difficult times, from all parts of the Bertram world. I only know you through your thoughtful posts but I can tell you are a good man and your parents would right now be justifiably proud of you.

My sincere condolences to you.


Posted: Sep 26th, '08, 13:06
by Buju
Really sorry to hear the news Harv. One is difficult enough, let alone both in a short time. Stay strong and take comfort in the amount of time you were able to spend with them... replay those good memories often.
I lost my mom and stepdad within a few months of each other when I was in my early twenties... that was hard. Really wish I would've had more time with em.

Posted: Sep 26th, '08, 14:03
by Rit

I'm so sorry to hear this news; you have my sincerest condolences.


Posted: Sep 26th, '08, 14:37
by jspiezio
My condolences Harv.

Posted: Sep 26th, '08, 19:21
by Pete Fallon
Sorry for you loss, I know what your going through, my mother passed away last month at 92. Know matter what age your parents were it's still hard to deal with. Call if you need anything, my condolences and prayers are with you.

Posted: Sep 26th, '08, 20:10
by Tony Meola

Arlene and I will keep you in our prayers. I am really sorry. Loosing a parent is a difficult thing.

Posted: Sep 27th, '08, 11:11
by Charlie
Pat and I offer our sincerest condolences.

Posted: Sep 27th, '08, 20:45
by bob lico
harv i will call next week,as you know i have loss my entire family to cancer including my 46 year old sister with 3 young children so i rather just have conversation than type in general.

Posted: Sep 28th, '08, 11:38
by Bob H.
Harv, Very sorry to hear about your loss. My condolences to you and your family, we will keep you in our prayers. BH

Posted: Sep 28th, '08, 19:22
by Mitch
Praying for your recovery from this huge loss. Hang in there Harv.

Posted: Sep 29th, '08, 14:14
by Mikey
Harv, my friend
Been on the road since last week. Just saw this post. So sorry, will say a little prayer for you. Stay strong.
We love you.

Posted: Sep 29th, '08, 19:32
by ZeroCavity
My condolences to you and your family

Posted: Sep 30th, '08, 20:27
by gplume

Krys and I send our condolences. Not much more to say, from personal experience it's always tough.

All the best