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For you who live on the North Shore of MA.....

Posted: Sep 18th, '08, 00:57
by IRGuy
I hope this post is not out of place here, because it only concerns a few of you who live on the North Shore of MA...

On Saturday, September 20, starting at 12:30, there will be a parade in Marblehead to honor two very special people, Maureen McKinnon-Tucker and Tim Angle.. two Marblehead residents who are Paralympic athletes, who have just finished competing in the Paralympics in China.

I know Maureen personally, as she is a member of Jubilee Yacht Club, as am I. She and I raced against each other in our club sailboat races many times, crewing for mutual friends. She is a very special person, to say the least.

Several years ago she and her fiance (now husband) were in Maine waiting at a ferry slip, when she stepped back to let someone pass.. in doing so she stepped backwards off a seawall, and fell in a sitting position onto hard packed sand, 12 feet below, breaking her back and leaving her permanently paralyzed from the waist down.

After a protracted recovery she became wheelchair mobile, was married, and now has two children. Her youngest, now 1 1/2, was diagnosed with a brain tumor shortly after birth, but is now apparently on his way to recovery after several critical operations and a chemo program.

To survive these hardships by themselves might make her a "special person".. but she did not let her accident and supposed "handicap" stop her from enjoying her passion for sailing. She became involved in a sailing program for "handicapped" people, and over the course of several years she became involved in competitive sailboat racing, eventually working her way to competing on a regional and then national level. She committed a few years ago to go as far as her capabilities would take her.

Last week she and her partner from CA won a Paralympics gold medal in a two person spinnaker boat class, competing against the best paralympic sailors from ten other countries. I can’t begin to tell you the expense, time commitment, and dedication (on the part of she and her husband) this achievement has cost. To even compete on a world class level is a huge accomplishment, never mind winning a gold medal.

I can’t be there attending the parade for Maureen and Tim, but I am asking any of you who could be to go to the parade in my place and cheer for them. They certainly deserve all the cheers that are sent their way!
