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Any word from our Gulf Coast brethren?

Posted: Sep 8th, '08, 10:39
by Rawleigh
Has anyone had any further news from Vic, Andre and any others on the Gulf Coast since the initial reports after the storm? I saw where Doug fell from his tower while prepping the boat and may have broken both arms!
Unfortunately it looks like another big one is headed their way!

Posted: Sep 8th, '08, 11:39
by Harry Babb
I called Vic and Andre on Saturday......I called their cell numbers.....I got thru to their voice mail and left a message. So far they have returned my call........

Hope they are Okay


Posted: Sep 8th, '08, 14:49
by JP Dalik
I talked with DQ and he was feeling better, he's certainly suffering some severe decceleration trauma.
Good Lord was looking out for him, only took out his wings. Could've been much worse.

Posted: Sep 8th, '08, 15:52
by RAWicklund
Looking better all the time.

I got power back yesterday and we probably got 50% of Houma/Terrebonne parish with lights.

UV and Andre are up in Baton Rouge and they got trees down everywhere and very little power restored.

2 buddies of mine from BR got power back on Saturday--so it's coming back slow. I'm heading to BR on Wed or Thur. to plumb 2 nat. gas generators-- I'll report back what it looks like.

Big winds suck, but it's nothing compared to flooding and storm surge. We were spared any high water with the eye right on us... all the flooding was to the east.

I just hope Ike doesn't mimic a Rita and parallel the coast moving west and flooding everything in site.

Another good news tidbit is that they lifted the alcohol ban this morning......things will be back to normal by happyhour on Friday.


Posted: Sep 9th, '08, 09:07
by Rawleigh
Ray: An alcohol ban, now that is cruel and unusual punishment! I look forward to your report.

JP: I'm glad it wasn't worse, but . . . that sucks! How bad were the breaks? I hope that Doug heals quickly. I had a friend who broke both of his elbows when we were teenagers. It is very humiliating not to be able to tend to yourself when you have both arms in casts.

Harry: I'm sure they have their hands full. From Isabell I can tell you that the cell tower backup batteries only last for a day and a half if they don't have backup generators on them. At least they got through the storm part OK.