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Northeast Rendezvous pictures

Posted: Sep 2nd, '08, 12:45
by In Memory Walter K
Gary Caputi has just sent me some of the photos he took at our rendezvous. He has sized them so as to be able to send the batch to me without clogging up my computer. Not knowing how to post them on the site, I'm asking Randall to do that for me. If any of you want a bigger/higher resolution print of your boat, I'd suggest you contact Garry directly via e-mail at Walter

Posted: Sep 2nd, '08, 13:26
by randall
hey...just got back from day two of hannah hits montauk...i need a nap. i got the pix and ill post a few tonight.

Posted: Sep 2nd, '08, 14:21
by Dug
Good waves? Boogie board trip for this weekend then!!!

Posted: Sep 2nd, '08, 14:58
by Craig Mac
what happen to the pics of the Mid-Atlantic meet?

Posted: Sep 2nd, '08, 17:39
by randall
very good...well overhead. offshore wind...super clean and fun.

moving right along



Posted: Sep 2nd, '08, 18:34
by JP Dalik
The second to last one looks like the 50 is towing a B31 spreader bar.

Posted: Sep 3rd, '08, 21:57
by Harv
Stop JP.
You're killing me!!