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Birthday Boys

Posted: Aug 22nd, '08, 09:44
by mike ohlstein
Just want to wish all of the ol' farts a happy birthday.........

Posted: Aug 22nd, '08, 10:02
by CaptPatrick
Three weeks to go, thanks in advance...

Posted: Aug 22nd, '08, 10:07
by In Memory Walter K
OK Mike- I can easily be classified as an Old Fart, but it ain't my birthday...
I'm not aware that two of them have the same birthday!

Posted: Aug 22nd, '08, 10:19
by Harv
CaptPatrick wrote:Three weeks to go, thanks in advance...

Posted: Aug 22nd, '08, 12:19
by Harry Babb
I have been classified in many catagories during my life.....OLE FART being one of the more polite catagories........but no birthday until December.........

In three weeks Pat???? How old.......or might ask how many miles should I ask.......

Who else is on the birthday list?????


Posted: Aug 22nd, '08, 12:53
by Hueso
Me guys.............August 18, 1972....

Posted: Aug 22nd, '08, 13:20
by Charlie J
1972 i was just getting out of high school, guess that makes me an old fart to. next week for me the 28th

Posted: Aug 22nd, '08, 13:56
by Harry Babb
1972 ! ! ! Ha ! !

I had already been married a month when you were born.....

72 was a good year......


Posted: Aug 22nd, '08, 14:05
by mike ohlstein
Uncle Vic, silly boys.....

Posted: Aug 22nd, '08, 14:08
by Harry Babb
We knew that, Mike ! ! !


Posted: Aug 22nd, '08, 14:09
by CaptPatrick
cwj - 1972 i was just getting out of high school, guess that makes me an old fart to.

Harry - I had already been married a month when you were born
Bunch of wipper-snappers.

I'd already put in 4 1/2 yrs in the Navy, married & divorced the first wife, (after the Navy), finished my college degree, and started my first profession by July of '72.

"I am hurring. It just looks like slow motion...."

Posted: Aug 22nd, '08, 15:01
by AndreF
We have a bunch of Leo's here. Me included (08/06/).I graduated high school in '68, I'm a young wipper-snapper.

Posted: Aug 22nd, '08, 15:32
by Sean B
AndreF wrote:We have a bunch of Leo's here.
Include me too, 8/12. Hmmm... new theory? Leo's like Bertrams?

In 1972 I was already out of diapers, damn kid

Posted: Aug 22nd, '08, 16:36
by randall
well i married one....carens b'day was aug 20th........we graduated high school in 65...same class.

Posted: Aug 23rd, '08, 11:21
by 34Hatt
AndreF wrote:We have a bunch of Leo's here. Me included (08/06/).I graduated high school in '68, I'm a young wipper-snapper.
Well happy belated Birthday thats a good Day since it is mine also!!!

And Thudddd is the same as my brother and they both turned 50 this year!!!

Posted: Aug 24th, '08, 11:00
by Mikey
August 22, 1943, same as Vic but a year younger, Nya, nya, nya, nya, nya.
Just got my first Social Security check. Feeling so much more social and a lot more secure knowing that our Government is helping me. Whew!
Happy Birthday Leos.

Posted: Aug 24th, '08, 11:35
by CaptPatrick
same as Vic but a year younger, Nya, nya, nya, nya, nya.
And a month older than me... Nya, nya, nya, nya, nya <(8^P)

Posted: Aug 24th, '08, 11:37
by In Memory Walter K
Well then, Happy Birthday Uncle Vic and Patrick! Many, Many more!
Walter (an older old fart).

Posted: Aug 24th, '08, 15:54
by randall
hey walter...thanks for the striped bass...the nephew caught two fish so he was stoked.

Posted: Aug 25th, '08, 07:38
by Charlie
Pat's birthday is August 20th, daughter Heather August 15th, granddaughter Stephanie Aug 27th. I too was released from high school in 1965, College 1969, married in 1969 son in 1970, first grandbaby 1998. Boy some of you guys sure are young or am I an old fart? 1947 was a very good year.

Posted: Aug 25th, '08, 07:53
by CaptPatrick
...or am I an old fart? 1947 was a very good year.
Charlie, you qualify as a Junior Member of TOFS, (The Old Farts Society)...

Posted: Aug 25th, '08, 08:39
by JohnD
Just call me jr. 8-19-1968 for me, I'm younger than Timmy and better looking too!

Posted: Aug 25th, '08, 10:40
by Carl
What no Pisces, 03-13-67 for me.

and started my first profession by July of '72

Okay, the curiousity has been peeked. What was the 1st profession, cause if you did it half as good as this one I can't imagine anyone letting you give it up.


Posted: Aug 25th, '08, 10:52
by Rawleigh
Happy Birthday to all!!

Posted: Aug 25th, '08, 12:27
by randall
1947....thats the year!!

Posted: Aug 25th, '08, 13:22
by Brewster Minton
3/4/64 for me

Posted: Aug 25th, '08, 13:35
by Rit
17 July 1951

Posted: Aug 25th, '08, 14:00
by CaptPatrick
Carl wrote:Okay, the curiousity has been peeked. What was the 1st profession
Master Goldsmith. High end custom designs in gold, platinum, diamonds, etc... Got tired of dealin' with the Suzi Gotrocks of the world.

Posted: Aug 25th, '08, 15:13
by Carl
CaptPatrick wrote:Master Goldsmith. High end custom designs in gold, platinum, diamonds, etc...

Capt Pat, I'm not sure where she is, but I am sure where ever she is her ears just perked up, kind of like a dog picking up a scent. (I'll deny the last part of that statement in case anyone ever decides to mention.)

I was thinking that was a huge career change, but I can see similiar talent requirements. Have any pictures of your work?

Wifes birthday is 03-12-68, just a day before mine, different year, just bringing us back to the original thread.

Posted: Aug 25th, '08, 16:26
by CaptPatrick

Only photos of my jewelry work are real photographs, nothing digital & ain't hooked
up a scanner for several years...

Nearest things to jewelry these days are like this stainless steel standoff for exhaust
hose for the starboard side on Pat Hancock's B31.


Posted: Aug 25th, '08, 16:28
by randall

Posted: Aug 25th, '08, 17:29
by CaptPatrick

As Paul Harvey might say: Here's the rest of the story...

Posted: Aug 25th, '08, 18:32
by Bruce
I picked up the props today(ouch) and if everything goes right will do the sea trial on Wed or Thurs.
If the storm looks like its heading down our throat, I'll hold off.

It needs a blister job and bottom strip, I got Blake giving me an estimate. Want to sea trial it and come right back out of the water to do cockpit side panels and floor between the engines.

Owner said he wanted a loud alarm. Gave him a 10" bell that's louder than a womans mouth.

I will be glad to be rid of this 31.

BTW 8/4 birthday for me. Just turned an old man.

Leo's will inherit the earth, or at least keep it running.

Posted: Aug 25th, '08, 19:22
by Pete Fallon
Give John at Coastal BoatWorks (561-305-9080) he's got a new soda blasting machine that works real good, he's in Riviera Beach off Blue Heron near Mil Trail, you met him with me last year, Blake know him also. Patrick 1-26-47 for me, not quite as old as the rest of the old farts but getting there. Implants in me cost more than my 31 when it was new in 1961.

Posted: Aug 25th, '08, 23:38
by Whaler1777

Posted: Aug 26th, '08, 07:56
by randall
Whaler1777 wrote:05/20/1983 younger than my son. you're doing good for such a pup.

Posted: Aug 26th, '08, 07:58
by Carl
Whaler1777 wrote:05/20/1983
Can you believe your boat was old before you where born...

Capt Pat, those pics are my kind of jewelry.

Posted: Aug 26th, '08, 08:42
by Dug
Funny, I had no idea we were so infested with Leo's!

7-29-1969 for me.

I love the fact that my boat and I were "born" the same year...

This is a fun thread!

Lizzy is 4-20-1976.

Posted: Aug 26th, '08, 09:58
by AndreF
Dug, I'll continue to point out interesting things for you. Stay tuned.

Did you know that teacher's unions own 40% of Exxon?

Your fren,

Posted: Aug 26th, '08, 10:56
by Dug

YOu know I live for that!

Again, interesting. Love my taxes too...locally anyway. Argh.

Posted: Aug 26th, '08, 20:36
by Tony Meola
What, no capricorns out there. 1/10/51

Posted: Aug 26th, '08, 20:51
by In Memory Walter K
You guys are depressing me. Gemini 6/2/34. I think its between me and Doc as to who is the oldest fart in our bunch. Then again, it's all in your mind, isn't it? Walter

Posted: Aug 26th, '08, 21:01
by Kevin
LEO 7-25-76

What I want to know is how you guys that are more youth deficient than myself can stay on top of maintaining these boats. There is always something that needs tending and some days I just can not deal with it. Maybe it is the oppressive heat of the summer that makes say the heck with it. My hat is off to you guys.

Posted: Aug 26th, '08, 21:03
by CaptPatrick
Then again, it's all in your mind, isn't it?
On target, Walter... It ain't the years, it's the miles.

Posted: Aug 26th, '08, 21:08
by randall
Kevin wrote:LEO 7-25-76

What I want to know is how you guys that are more youth deficient than myself can stay on top of maintaining these boats. There is always something that needs tending and some days I just can not deal with it. Maybe it is the oppressive heat of the summer that makes say the heck with it. My hat is off to you guys.
oppressive heat? i thought i had hypothermia this north wind blew all the warm water out to sea. every one that was dry got an 78 degree bluebird day. can gloat in january.

Posted: Aug 26th, '08, 21:18
by Tony Meola
Walter & Capt. Pat

Look at it this way,

"The older you get the better you were."

Now if that was only true

Posted: Aug 26th, '08, 21:37
by Harry Babb
What I want to know is how you guys that are more youth deficient than myself can stay on top of maintaining these boats. There is always something that needs tending and some days I just can not deal with it.
Its an age thing just make every effort to do it right the first time then just plug away a little at a time but be consistant.....

But it kinda goes like this

One day a local farmer purchased a new younger bull and put him in the field with his much older bull.

The young bull ran up to the older bull and said "Hey bud! ! ! Is that a bunch of heffers across the pasture"?

Without looking up the older bull said "Yep..........sure is"

The young bull then said "Lets run over there and screw one of them"!!!

The older bull then responded.........why don't we just walk over there and screw ALL of them.

Do we have any Sagittarius colleagues????



Posted: Aug 26th, '08, 21:59
by Bruce
I ain't as good as I once was
I got a few years on me now
But there was a time back in my prime
When I could really lay it down
I ain't as good as I once was
But I'm as good once as I ever was

Posted: Aug 26th, '08, 23:31
by Whaler1777
Tryin to keep on top of things over here, going to try to post up some progress pics this week, gutted out the v-berth last week going to start putting back together reall soon!... Proud to say that the PD just gave us a well deserved raise about 4 days ago (2nd one in 6mo's) bringing us somewhat closer to the Long Island cops... First time that officers will be working with an active contract since the 1990's...

Posted: Aug 27th, '08, 08:16
by Mikey
My wife was born in '45 and she's older than you. It's all in your mind.
Hope she doesn't monitor this board.