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Olympic Rowing!

Posted: Aug 15th, '08, 07:03
by Dug
Hey all,

Perhaps you remember my post a few weeks ago pertaining to raising funds for the National Rowing Foundation to support our athletes at the Olympics, as well as going forward in training and international competition?

A bit of an update, as Rowing is tough to find in the incomplete coverage offered any sport other than swimming, gymnastics and beach volleyball during prime time evening hours on our esteemed NBC network. Don't get me wrong, those events are impressive and great to watch. But not much else seems to be on...

The U.S. Team has qualified for finals (in other words will contend for a medal) in this weekends events in the following events in rowing!

Womens single
Womens 8
Mens 8
Mens quad
Mens pair
Mens double
Womens quad - I believe...but could be wrong.

And I may not have gotten them all, as it is tough to figure out due to the coverage levels...

Keep an eye towards the tv and results this weekend! Good luck and GO USA!!!!!!!!


Posted: Aug 17th, '08, 19:18
by Capt.Frank
Dug go to and go to Oylimpics and I am told you can watch every event online slow mow or fast foward.


Posted: Aug 18th, '08, 07:16
by Dug
You know, I woke up at 4:20 am on Sunday to watch the Quads and 8's live. Comcast didn't have it. NBC prefered to run the events of the day before...

So I logged on to watch it on the computer. My parents wireless internet was down.

So I went back to bed choosing to believe someone somewhere didn't want me to watch this...

But I woke up to the news that THE WOMENS 8 WON THE GOLD!!! AND THE MENS 8 WON THE BRONZE!!!!

Wooo hooo! That along with the womens single taking silver on Saturday made for a great weekend! Womens and mens quads (4 people, two oars each) both took 5th in the final. Still not to shabby!!!

Overall it was a good Olympics for US Rowing. Better for Britain, but hey, still!!!


Posted: Aug 18th, '08, 07:19
by Dug
Any of the events can be found and watched here:


Posted: Aug 18th, '08, 07:54
by Carl
Excellent news. Glad to hear they placed so well in the games.

Posted: Aug 18th, '08, 11:00
by Mikey
The Gold-medal women's eights were on the Today Show this morning.
Pretty cool.

Posted: Aug 18th, '08, 13:49
by Dug
That is totally fantastic Mikey! I am glad they are getting the attention they so deserve.

Two of the ladies in that boat are good friends of mine.

Anna Goodale was in touch from China up until essentially the day before her final.

They are just amazing people. Fun loving, friendly, big smiled, but hard working, truly incredible people, all of them.

That crew is a three time world champion (this year, last, and the year before), and really deserves to have won! Anna Cummins won a silver in 2004 in that boat, and just is one of the most friendly people you have ever met.

I am so proud for them, and all of our competitors. I haven't met an unfriendly member of the US national or Olympic team.

It is just plain fantastic.

Posted: Aug 18th, '08, 13:56
by Dug
There is a link for the Today show below. You will need to look for the link within that link.

Anna Cummins is the first to speak, and then they all chime in at times.

It is just so great, I have tears in my eyes! It is great to see friends reach success.


Posted: Aug 19th, '08, 17:05
by Capt.Frank
Dug watching crewing is something I miss about the NE. I agree I am glad they are getting some coverage on TV.