fish box contruction
Posted: Aug 10th, '08, 09:30
capt. patrick i am contructing the fish boxes on the port and starboard side of the cockpit.i cut up all the " coosa board" and datto the bottom and sides of the boxes.i intended to pre drill and use square drive stainless 316 screws like i used for the battery boxes i showed you.i would like your opinion on which adhesive to use in the datto joining the side to side and sides to bottom.resin,epoxy, or what i have been using lately; pl premium polyurethane contruction adhesive.i intend to put a skim coat of resin over the coosa board and than awlgrip 545 primer for a finesh inside the box but want to use the strongest possible in the joints.
thanks for the real deal conversation on the overside rudder theory.people ask me all the time why or how does that boat turn like that.i knew it is rudder desigh but don`t know the theory behind it.
capt. bob lico
thanks for the real deal conversation on the overside rudder theory.people ask me all the time why or how does that boat turn like that.i knew it is rudder desigh but don`t know the theory behind it.
capt. bob lico