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Killers in the gulf?

Posted: Aug 1st, '08, 08:37
by Hal
Thought you guys might like to see this, but not so much because there's killer whales in the Gulf.

Check out the boat!

Posted: Aug 1st, '08, 12:55
I think these and other species like the great white are migrating here do to over fishing in the atlantic and pacific. Also they are highly sensitive to sonar pings all those military vessels put out. Now all we have to do is keep those giant tuna and foreign fleets out of the Gulf of Mexico

killers in the gulf

Posted: Aug 5th, '08, 22:06
by Ric
if those killers were under and in front of my bow they would have had a
"POON" in is arse

Posted: Aug 6th, '08, 12:38
by scot
I was a bit unsure about the location of the boat until I watched the video several times. The guy's on the bow are properly dressed for the Gulf, not Alaska. There is an occassional piece of sea weed that can be seen and it looks like GOM grass to me.

I think it is the Gulf, but where?

Posted: Aug 6th, '08, 13:24
by Garry
Maybe its the angle or camera tricks but the animals in the video seem awfully small for killer whales....

Posted: Aug 6th, '08, 13:35
by Tom
The 31 Hale Yeah is out of Port Aransas I think. Killers in the gulf are a fact, documented by NOAA. A port A headboat also got video of them a couple of years ago, here's his video.-T

Posted: Aug 6th, '08, 14:00
by AndreF
I have seen many pictures of killers in Gulf, even in the very old magazine "Louisiana Conservationalist" from years ago but I agree with Garry, very small, maybe False killer whales.

Posted: Aug 8th, '08, 08:53
by Hyena Love
Few years ago, we had Lil Bert down in Port O'Connor Texas. While trolling some blue water, the radio chatter was all about killers in the gulf. Subsequently, one of the boats out there posted a video which was shown on local news clearly showing killer whales. Video was taken out by Dutra off Port O'Connor. Used to have a copy, but that was at least one computer ago.