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diesel fuel alternative

Posted: Jun 9th, '08, 10:20
by Charlie J
what are your guy thoughts on using used tranformer oil added into the regular fuel. its light oil, dielectric oil. head mechanic in plant says the worst case senerio would be a clogged filter or nozzel.just a thought,

Posted: Jun 9th, '08, 14:16
by mike ohlstein
Got to be full of PCB's, no?

Posted: Jun 9th, '08, 14:43
by Charlie J
no we got rid of all then, there burned at hight temps out west some where. not worth screwing up a engine, was just looking to see what people thought of the idea, probably the same as cooking oil

Posted: Jun 9th, '08, 19:53
by bob lico
definitly will work and far more refined than veggie oil.i am no pro on the subject but i have 4 diesels to feed so i am very much son has two cummins dodge trucks and does 20,000 miles a year on both.we get all our information from warren sternlicth at dynagrout in deer park ny.he is a surpplier of all oakdale yacth fiberglass repair/painting and the long island surpplier of coosa board.
however he has his own "brewing tank" in his shop yard to make his own diesel fuel.a brillant man and a real hands on scientist with bio fuel.i will give you his pnone # charle just sent me a pm.

Posted: Jun 12th, '08, 07:13
by Charlie
I have got to believe transformer oil is not a good idea. It is a very high temperature oil. The PCB's were added in the past to maintain the very high boiling point. You don't want the oil to breakdown in a transformer as the decomposition products can and will explode the transformer. I know I sell equipment to the power companies to analyze the transformer oil for decomposition products. I used to make good money selling them GC/EDC systems to analyze for PCB's; but that business is all but gone.

Posted: Jun 12th, '08, 11:44
by Charlie J
cant tell you how many dexcill kits ive used for testing the pots, hell 30 years ago we didnt even know what pcbs were, we used to open the top stick are hands right in the oil to change the tapps, we would even dip are tools from are belt in the oil tokeep them from rusting. all were tested in are system and i would say all but a few are still around, dont even open them up anymore just call for pick up.