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Motor Boating planning a story on NE Rendezvous

Posted: Jun 5th, '08, 19:44
by In Memory Walter K
I have just received a response to letters and e-mails I have been sending and now have a commitment that a writer/photographer will be covering our Northeast Rendezvous. They are interested in our restorations as well as our Commeraderie. I can provide the Commeraderie, but only you can provide the pretty B-31's. Right now we have commitments for 8 boats other than mine. Please make your reservations at Montauk Marine Basin 631-668-5900 and let me know, as they'd like to talk to some of us even before the event.

Posted: Jun 5th, '08, 21:35
by Rumrunner

Can you list the boats, we want to make sure we are set. I am getting dizzy with all thats going on with new boat and this summers schedule. I am sure we are set but can you confirm

Capt Tom

Posted: Jun 5th, '08, 21:45
by Rumrunner

I Just read the other posts

We will have 4 for dinner and 2 kids

You can count on Rumrunner for a door prize.

Do I need to check with Montauk on the Revs for the slip

Capt Tom

Posted: Jun 5th, '08, 22:08
by In Memory Walter K
Tom- I saw your reservation myself- You're set, but I will be seeing them again this weekend and will triple check-Walter

Posted: Jun 6th, '08, 09:05
by Capt Dick Dean
Walter, thanks for this posting. It gets me off my backside.

I just called in for a slip. And like Capt Tom, I would like to get a door prize. Is there a cash prize?

Now as far as speaking to the reporters --- will they be asking any political questions? I have a lot to say obommaa.

Posted: Jun 6th, '08, 09:47
by Dug

Thanks for putting this together!

I will be there, and I believe Liz will be as well (hoping!). I will call today or next week. Things are a bit busy here right now...

So Tom, you are giving Rumrunner away as a door prize? I'm in! As a matter of fact, how do I rig that one to my favor???

Seriously, the Alchemy shoudl be in next week. Can't wait, as that will be my official start to summer!
