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hat for Uncle Vic

Posted: May 29th, '08, 17:22
by matt

Posted: May 29th, '08, 18:42
by randall
new mexico? didnt see a coonass contingent there....but i probably didnt know where to look

Posted: May 29th, '08, 19:34
by In Memory of Vicroy
Coonasses and explosives are like rice & gravy. How you think we catch all dem fishes?

Nice hat.


Posted: May 29th, '08, 20:08
by Mikey
Ah, two of my favor things . . .
Drunken laughter and gun fire.
A coonass anthem.

Posted: May 29th, '08, 21:23
by scot
It should be reversed and read "Explosive Coonass", make it yellow and purple and you could sell a million of them.