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Anyone need a survey done in Ma. NH. RI. areas ?

Posted: May 25th, '08, 22:28
by Pete Fallon
I'm going to be in Salem, Massachusetts from May 29 thru June 5. maybe a little longer if needed. More knee minor work at MGH. If any of the faithful needs a re-insurance, or condition and valuation survey done while I'm up there let me know. I've done over 25- 31's, and I've owned a 31 for over 30 years.
My surveys are very comprehensive, bound reports with color pictures, not just 4 page check off sheets. Capt Pat, Bruce, UV, Russ, Jim B and Jerry S know my work. My rates are resonable and I offer discounts to the faithful. If anyone is interested let me know. My cell # 561-310-7179. Pete Fallon AMS Society of Accredited Marine Surveyors. I am free everyday but Sunday June 1.
I also do consulting work on full restoration projects and even will report back on the progress of Thudd's Tubb if I can find it. Timmy what state Ma. or NH ? what's the name of the junk yard? Ric, are you still at the same boat yard in Newburyport?.

Posted: May 26th, '08, 07:21
by Terry Frank

While you're in search for the Tubb maybe you can swing by Dug's place and pick up the bow chocks (:-)) .



Posted: May 26th, '08, 08:52
by wmachovina
Pete, Sea Chele is just about ready,getting the navnet 3 on this week. I talked to Pete in vero and he is getting me a quote from London and Progressive, I will need the survey so give me a call when back in Stuart. Got 37mph at 4200, the last time the boat will ever see that! Bill

Posted: May 26th, '08, 08:58
by offshore31

Ric's up on the hard at Merrimar in Newburyport. I'm down the road, also on the hard (water pump) in Newburyport Yacht club. Let me know if you're heading to Thud's to check on the tubb and i'll swing down and hook up with you guys.

Joe A.

Posted: May 26th, '08, 21:11
by Pete Fallon
Terry F- I'm sure Doug will come thru with the promised bow chocks, trying to get a supplier to give you a confirmed date is like pulling teeth out of a chicken, I'm glad I've been out of the boat manufacturing business for 5 years now.

Bill M- Looks like I'll be back on schedule, I'll call you for the best date on your survey. 37mph@4200 sounds like she's proped just right, I wouldn't run at that speed to long, it hurts you wallet. Burning about 60 gph at that speed?.

Joe A- I'm going to try to get with Ric and Timmy on Saturday AM if they are availible, call me on my cell Friday night. 561-310-7179

Posted: May 27th, '08, 10:29
by offshore31
Will do.