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bilge cleaner

Posted: Aug 27th, '06, 16:25
by matt
is bilge cleaner and engine degreaser the same? i have this black goo(almost looks like tar) that degreaser just wont touch. any suggestions on a good one would be great. also, does anyone know how to get that tan colored adhesive under the carpet in the vee berth off without damaging the glass?

Posted: Aug 27th, '06, 17:40
by Skipper Dick

Bilge cleaner is supposed to work with minor leaks and oozes from transmission and engines and also dirt from rain and just usual use. Engine cleaner is used for cleaning the buildup on your engines. I use an engine cleaner about once a month or when needed and bilge cleaner almost anytime I wet vacuume the bilge. After using an engine cleaner, if there any leaks, I fix them and them hose the engine down with Corrosian X.
You can eat spagetti in my bilge it is so clean.

bildge cleaner

Posted: Aug 27th, '06, 18:03
by thereheis
use castrol gtx super clean.use it full strenght in the bildge , and dilute it about 70-30 for the engines..

Posted: Aug 27th, '06, 18:19
by Rawleigh
Get Marine Clean from It is the most amazing cleaner that I have tried. I use it diluted 5:1 with water. It easily beats Simple Green or Castrol. I just cleaned a used lathe with it that diesel fuel would not even touch. It made it squeky clean and ready for paint! Non flammable, non corrosive, nontoxic and biodegradable. Here is the direction sheet. ... ctions.pdf

It really works.

Posted: Aug 27th, '06, 18:37
by Al C
I am in the process of removing the carpet and vinyl from my Bahia Mar interior and its not a fun job. I found nothing short of a scraper used carefully will remove that glue. Also be sure to wear a mask when doing it as the mold in the carpet can be hazardous

Posted: Aug 30th, '06, 13:05
by Charlie J
as a on goig mantanace of my bilge, after i clean the boat, i pour the used soap in the bilge and let it sloos around. the pump it out the next time i use the boat


Posted: Aug 30th, '06, 13:22
by Capt Dick Dean
I use a pressure washer with an automotive detergent and it gets in all the nooks and cranies. Like the transome up a foot or so. The top of the gas tanks gets a blast also. If I was not suffering from a small oil leak, I would challange Wayne on the Left Coast. He been known the sponge dry his bilge.

Posted: Sep 2nd, '06, 09:28
by Harv
I usually pour Dawn, Ivory, or just about any dish washing liquid detergent staright into the bilge and let it slosh around. The pumps take care of the rest.

Cleaner & Degreaser

Posted: Sep 2nd, '06, 11:56
by mikepelham

I work for a comany that hands down has the best cleaner/degreaser there is. Send me your mailing address and I will ship you some for free, that goes for anyone who wants some., it has to be an address not a PO bix becuase it will ship via ups.

Re: Cleaner & Degreaser

Posted: Oct 1st, '06, 20:35
by Harv

I work for a comany that hands down has the best cleaner/degreaser there is. Send me your mailing address and I will ship you some for free, that goes for anyone who wants some., it has to be an address not a PO bix becuase it will ship via ups.
Got mine Friday, used it Saturday, and I must say, the stuff works as claimed. Sludge, grime, and slime, cleaned away almost effortlessly. Used about enough to cover the bottom of a 5gal pail and filled the rest with water.