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Hey Randall

Posted: May 9th, '08, 17:37
by Harv
have you ever tried this meethod of fishing? ... 1200305081

Posted: May 9th, '08, 17:46
by randall
no...but i jumped off that pier lots of times.

anyway im thinkin its not convient that he gets towed right into a good take off you never see the shark ....just the "fin".

oh yeah......and the other surfers just lie there on their boards as this huge shark swims by....................hasn't been my experience....i have however seen guys paddle like there's no tomorrow (myself included)

Posted: May 9th, '08, 17:50
by In Memory Walter K
I wouldn't expect those other surfers to just lie there on their boards watching as the shark passes them.

Posted: May 9th, '08, 18:09
by JPRS51
Plus you can see the thrust and terbulence from the boat that is pulling him just ahead of the (fake) shark.

Posted: May 9th, '08, 19:21
by nic
I have seen guys just watch a great white swim past, I've seen hippies try to coax a sick one into deeper water, I've seen people play with one they thought was dead on the beach until it almost ate their dog...but I've never seen one with the wake in front of it....and I've never seen anyone throw away an 80lb rig.


Posted: May 9th, '08, 20:46
by Tony Meola
I agree, not real. Just doesn't swim right for a shark. Not sure if a boat is pulling it but there is too much wake. Plus it would have made a bee line for deep water.

Posted: May 10th, '08, 10:25
by Harv
Never said it was real. Just askin Randall if he ever tried fishing off his surfboard.
I know he fishes out of a kayak at times.

Posted: May 10th, '08, 10:59
by jspiezio
Harv- I have several friends who float fish of Montauk. THey put on a wet suit , dog paddle out past the breakers and then try to hook up with a big cow striper. Then you just hold on for a long ride.

Posted: May 10th, '08, 11:15
by randall
there are guys here that swim out at night with a rod and reel.

ive fished for stripers and bluefish from my long board but so far have gotten the best "nantucket sleigh ride" in the kayak. that fish in panama would have been the best but it just didnt co-operate.