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Country saying

Posted: May 4th, '08, 13:40
by In Memory of Vicroy
Over the weekend we had huge amounts of rain in southeast Louisiana, 11" near the town of Folsom with major road flooding. This morning there was some video on a N.O. station of water rushing over a highway and then the info-babe interviewed the Folsom fire elderly gentleman, and she asked him to describe how fast the water was running over the road....him: "'bout like a dose of castor oil through a widow woman" that's country.

The replay about a half hour later omitted the chief....


Posted: May 5th, '08, 05:00
by Buju
Yessir, that IS country. Classic.
Gonna have to remember that one to describe various things 'round here: (cruising speed of the B20... time it takes for CX to loosen a rusty nut... the speed of a hot fish on the first run... etc)