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Jumping eagle ray kills boater off Florida Keys

Posted: Mar 20th, '08, 17:52
by Harv

Posted: Mar 20th, '08, 20:59
by Buju
Poor woman... often see eagle rays free jumping just off the edge of the flats , and around the patch reefs. They're big bastards, certainly wouldn't want one coming in my skiff when I'm WOT at 58...or cruising at 35 for that matter.
Seems every year someone gets killed by some freak occurance of jumping marine life. Usually a eagle ray, barracuda, even some deaths from houndfish puncturing peoples neck... crazy.

Posted: Mar 20th, '08, 21:14
by Kevin
If enough people complain about these vicious aerial marine predators someone is gonna try to pass a law requiring all persons on vessel must wear kevlar and a helmet with neck and face protection.

Posted: Mar 21st, '08, 05:47
by Sean B
Poor lady, that's bizarre.

I once got smacked in the side of the face by a jumping mullet while out fishing in a skiff at night. Being so startled by that I damn near fell out of the boat. Could see how something like that could cause you to whack your head hard enough to put your lights out.

Kevin I heard an eagle ray ran over a manatee.... we need idle speed restrictions on eagle rays