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Boat lift

Posted: Mar 18th, '08, 17:38
by Geaux Deep
What brand and size of boat lifts are 31 Bertram owners using at open docks? How are the bunks arranged for the Bahia Mar?

I am in no-mans land at Port Mansfield to get a haul out. I'll can spend $5500.00 for a brakeless trailer that I will only use 3-4 times a year plus I have to find a place to store the trailer.

With a lift I loose the mobility of a trailer but I can keep the Geaux Deep out of the Laguna Madre saltwater, I can wash her whenever I want. I should get access to the bottom when I want. No more stray voltages/currents. I can store the lift where it is.

Any comments, advice, and recommendations appreciated. - RH

Boat Lift

Posted: Mar 18th, '08, 18:04
by ScottD
RH, I have a 20,000# Boat lift US lift which I think is as good as any. Came with 1 1/2 H.P. stainless motors and backing plate, bronze bull gear, stainless pipe and cable winders, it's all aluminum and you can get it with or without the aluminum bunks. I went with wood bunks (wish I went with the aluminum, the bunks float the beams) which I cut to fit the angle of the hull and put them directly under the stringers. I wouldn't get caught up in the direct drive stuff a lot of venders are offering, the worm/bull gear with belt drive is fail safe and dirt simple. Just this last week I took it down and had the outer piles moved out 4' so I can get both the boats on there (from 18' wide to 22" wide). That lift was the best money I spent on Bolero, bottoms always clean, don't worry about small storms and I know its not going so sink while I'm away. Any info you need just let me know.


Posted: Mar 19th, '08, 07:58
by Hyena Love
I have a lift master on my B28. No bunks, just straps. If I had to do it over, and I had a deep storage location, I would go bunks.

But, love the easy of it hanging in a sling. Peace of mind in all but the worst of storms.

Posted: Mar 19th, '08, 09:09
by AndreF
I, too, have 1 1/2 HP motors, 220 volts. Two factory alum 16' bunks pre-cut to 23 degrees with hard rubber pad. Bunks are on O/S stringers.
Like Scott said , hoist offers peace of mind.
There's a wealth of info (cable size, piling size, etc..) in brochures by diff makers.
Dave Kosh helped me alot in this regard.

Posted: Mar 19th, '08, 21:35
by Harry Babb

What size cables do you have on your lifts?

Is your rig setup using more than a 2 part line lift?

I'm assuming that your winches are the 8500#??

Do you use more than 2 of these motor units??


Posted: Mar 19th, '08, 22:32
by AndreF
As I recall, the cables are 3/8" SS.
Double block/4 line lift
Are you referring to the worm gear that turns the pipe the cable wraps on? If so, I do not know.
2 motors/2 switches, belt driven, one wraps front and one wraps back. Switches/motors work independently, allows you to trim boat.

Posted: Mar 19th, '08, 23:00
by Harry Babb
Thanks Andre
That's exactly what I wanted to know. I rigged a way to lift DeNada in my boat house using chain falls and straps...........just for quick lifts......changing props........installing thru hulls way takes a little over an hour.........I'm liking the idea of ELECTRIC motors and less effort.
