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Darwin stikes again

Posted: Feb 25th, '08, 15:01
by Bruce
News cameras all over the marina today.
Seems a dive chater that operates out of the marina had a diver bitten by a shark and later died whilst they were just off the western shore of the Bahamas Sunday.

The inside story is two guys from Austria decided to take chum packs into the water to atract sharks and take some pics. this wasn't a specialized shark dive just a plain old dive.

The thing is with shark dives is two stand back to back so you can have a 360 view.

These 2 darwin winners stood side by side facing the same direction and one of them sharks snuck up behind one and took a big chunk from his leg.

I'm sure his family will find some ambulance chaser to sue the dive company for his stupid pet tricks gone awry.

On a side note, lacking sleep and being somewhat retarded in attitude today when one of the local black female reporters stopped at the shop to ask where the dive boat was I made the comment to her:

Miss Dukes I always admired you and wanted to be like you.

She replied, what a reporter?

To which I could not resist, No, a black woman.

She didn't think it was funny.

Shark bites shark?

Posted: Feb 26th, '08, 07:47
by Capt. Mike Holmes
Bruce, our local paper said the victim was a lawyer? I always thought sharks refused to bite them, out of professional courtesy?

Posted: Feb 26th, '08, 09:49
by AndreF
Bruce, you're funny.

Posted: Feb 26th, '08, 15:55
by MarkS
Bruce your new saying has reminded me of a time I was driving down the road and as I came upon a county truck pulled over to the side. I noticed the driver standing behind it with a flat shovel just smacking something with it like he was trying to put out a fire! I pulled over and ran up to him just in time to see what was left of a turtle that he whaled the living piss out of! I said what the heck is going on? He said the son of B!T*h has been following me all day!

Posted: Feb 26th, '08, 17:32
by Skipper Dick

That cracked me up. I couldn't stop laughing.


Posted: Feb 26th, '08, 17:38
by Bruce
I bow to you. Good one.