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Bow Chock update

Posted: Feb 21st, '08, 08:27
by Dug
Good news.

Order was placed.

We should see them shipped to you guys by the end of April if all goes to schedule.

I expect to see them around the end of the week of April 22. I will box and ship as soon as I recieve them. Not a problem as everyone is paid already.

If anyone is interested in one and has not placed an order, I bought a couple extra for new people to the board or whatever.

Long story short, it will have taken about a year, but it is moving!

Timmy, keep it up. I may just hand deliver it to you...


Posted: Feb 21st, '08, 10:13
by thuddddddd
whatever skippy, just make sure yo bring your tyvek suit and own grinder

Posted: Feb 21st, '08, 11:34
by Dug
You working on it during the next couple weekends?

This snow coming tomorrow night won't stop you 'cause it is inside, right?

I think the grinder is in CT, but I can grab it, and have suits in the garage from when I did the insulation on the house...


Posted: Feb 21st, '08, 13:17
by thuddddddd
yup, and with any luck they got the heat into the bldg.(nice , new space for me to F..K up) sat/sun I should be there, but call to confirm(might sneak off and ski one day since that slave driver CMP is off on vacation)

Posted: Feb 21st, '08, 14:45
by Dug
I will check the tool inventory, and see what the weather and weekend holds.