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Northeast Rendezvous

Posted: Feb 19th, '08, 22:01
by In Memory Walter K
I read the posts on the New England Rendezvous and any way and place you guys wants to do it is OK with me. I got no response from the group on a preference date so as of this moment, the first weekend of August is what Montauk Marine Basin is expecting from us. Yes, I have talked to Brewster about providing Clambake dinners and am also awaiting costs for a tent, tables, chairs, etc. Boozewise, its BYO unless there is an intense desire for a bar with the costs that go with it. I had asked both Dug and Neil to provide me some input based on their experience in the past about sponsors, banners, donations and numbers, and expect to hear from them soon. I also spoke to Mike Ohlstein about the manufacturing of T-shirts that have already been designed. Quantities and sizes will come later when we start to get solid commitments from the Faithful. I could use artwork of a Bertram "V" and eagle for T-shirt purposes. Line art preferred. That's the status report as per a Montauk Rendezvous as of now. Want to change it? Now's the time. Walter

Posted: Feb 20th, '08, 07:59
by thuddddddd
Whatever works for you. If I can do any "off site" help, let me know

Posted: Feb 20th, '08, 08:10
by neil
walter,that works well with us neil

Posted: Feb 20th, '08, 08:14
by Brewster Minton
Im in.

Posted: Feb 20th, '08, 09:09
by dougl33

My post about the New England Rendezvous was not meant to be in place of the Montauk event, but in addition to. Again, there are many Bertram owners on the north side of the cape cod canal who don't have the time or money to make it all the way to Montauk.

Posted: Feb 20th, '08, 09:54
by Capt Dick Dean
Montauk Marine Basin is good and the first weekend of August is great. Count me in!

Posted: Feb 20th, '08, 14:32
by Dug
Walter, I do plan to call you, and will try for this afternoon. I am sorry to have taken so long.

Doug, I am keenly aware that would be your intention. I am going to come right out and say it. The only thing that I feel most strongly about when it comes to Bertram rendezvous's is that an attempt be made to combine the organization of them.

You see, the marine industry, like many industries is a pretty small place. When we splinter out into a "bunch" of different gatherings, it makes it tough to present a unified front to the industry, to marina's etc. For the organizers, it can be problematic.

I am absolutely completely aware that there are people up north who don't want to go that far. Just as there are people to the south. Reality is that there never appeared to be a perfect venue. Why is it that when location survey's are done, whether it be formally or informally there is what appears to be a lack of input from the northern folks!?

Look, I am all for get togethers. It is one of the high points of my summer to be completely honest. But I caution against having many seperate splinter get togethers if at all possible under the guidance of seperate groups of organizers. We should do ourselves the service of at least having discussions between organizers to ensure thorough magazine coverage, vendor participation, and transparency to any concerned.

That is my only urging. I regret that I am not able to do what I did for the time being. I have enough on my plate, and it pains me not to be more involved. If I were, I would strongly be urging the Keys, NC, NJ NE and NE north groups to talk together and get a representative group to the industry, media, venues and so on all on one page. Not so easy, but really has the potential to be beneficial.

Doug, that is all I meant. No criticism, only suggestion. Trust me I know what fun it is, and love the get togethers!!!!


Posted: Feb 20th, '08, 14:46
by neil
thuddddddd wrote:Whatever works for you. If I can do any "off site" help, let me know
Timmyyyyyyyyy find us a few gifts to give away at dinner. jr looks foward to the dinner raffle

Posted: Feb 20th, '08, 16:41
by thuddddddd
Neil, let junior know I'm on it. I think maybe a new game, to get prizes, everyone gets liquored up and plays pin the tail on the Dug, or maybe a dugyata, you know string him up , then wack him with a baseball bat till prizes(or our bow chocks) fall out......

Now that would be a party.

Posted: Feb 20th, '08, 16:44
by neil
timmyyy you are full of ideas ,this one i like. no offense dug but we are not that organized. if i were organized id be retired

Posted: Feb 21st, '08, 08:24
by Dug

Walter seems to be. I know I was. And the guys from AC sure are.

You did a great job. No doubt.

All I am saying is that if we can, we should work together.

And Timmy if you want to hit me with a bat, you can. Just know what goes around comes around.

Bowchock update to come soon.


Posted: Feb 21st, '08, 09:27
by CMP
Not to worry, Dug, by the time any party comes along, I'll have had that slacker working so hard that he won't have the energy to pick UP a bat, never mind use it...


Posted: Feb 21st, '08, 10:14
by thuddddddd
do they come wit directions??

post suject

Posted: Feb 24th, '08, 13:04
by Mike Moran
count me in let me know about prices Mike Moran

NE Rendevous

Posted: Feb 28th, '08, 15:11
by jeffery pagano
Count the three of us in.