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Posted: Feb 11th, '08, 12:58
by randall
roy schieder died yesterday....this is kinda affecting me on a few levels.....the first one is i was a fan...even before "jaws" i really liked him in "the 7 ups"...a fact he found amusing.

heres how "jaws " affected me....i saw it with a bunch of surfers and didnt really feel like it had any real impact on me other than entertainment. the next morning we ran my boat about 20 miles north of santa barbara to surf. as we were paddling in thru the kelp my friend blake starts going..dum dum, dum dum...the theme from be lying if i said i wasn't suddenly scared shitless

years later i shared pitching duties with roy in a charity softball game....for 10 years. ive met a lot of celebs and roy was without a doubt the nicest , most open, most down to earth of them all. just a great guy in every way

its a small town and when i would bump into him or his wife they were always just time at a party he spent an hour entrancing the guests with the inside story of the making of jaws.

this is a sculpture that was auctioned off at a fund raiser for a local theater.......i am truly honored to have known him a little

Posted: Feb 11th, '08, 13:46
by MarkD
Hey Randall: Hope all is well with you. Jaws brings back good memories with me also. When you were up for the B31 gathering on the Vineyard two years ago, right where I kept my B20, is where they kept the mechanical shark - on a wooden rack. As a kid, we would walk down in the evenings and watch the whole endeavor. If you recall the ride I took you and Mike in the Baron, we went right by Chief Brody's house in the movie. Right off East Chop. Nice piece of woodwork!

Posted: Feb 11th, '08, 13:59
by Carl
Randall, thanks for sharing that personal information. With all you hear about "stars and celebs" today it is good to hear there are some that are just "folks".
I too was a fan of Roys, some people you just enjoy watching for whatever reason. I'd like to think it has something to do with the persons true personality shining thru.

Posted: Feb 11th, '08, 14:00
by Eddy G
Randall: Wasn't 7up's the one that started out with a car chase where Roy runs into the back of an 18 wheeler. He was after a burnt faced bad dude and in the end, Roy asked "Did you see the sun rise this morning"?

Eddy G.

Posted: Feb 11th, '08, 14:14
by Capt. DQ
Back when they filmed JAWS II in Navarre Beach, FL and in Escambia Bay in Pensacola they would bring the Jaws/Shark down the street on a trailer by my house where I use to live about 6:00am in the morning going to film.

Those mobile dressing rooms sure were long when they would come by also. My Son was about 2yrs old @ that time when I would have him in the front yard showing him Jaws coming by the house on a trailer.

The Seven-Ups had a good car chase scene that Roy did, just like Steve McQueen did in Bullet. He will be missed. Jaws I scared the S*#* out of alot of people, and still does if in the water.


Posted: Feb 11th, '08, 18:28
by Mikey
One of the guys that I never got to work with but really loved his stuff. Jaws had some memorable lines but his "Bigger boat" is one I use constantly.
Going to miss him.

Posted: Feb 12th, '08, 08:58
by randall
thanks for the replies....he had this whole other life as a community activist...helped found a local school and raised a zillion dollars for local causes...not by writing checks...but by rolling up his sleeves and working.

there was a time bout 20 years ago when i fancied myself a pretty good softball pitcher. besides our regular sunday game i got to pitch once a year in the big charity game in front of a few thousand people. then one year roy shows up...well who are you going to pay 10 dollars to watch or roy. the thing is we both got it, it wasn't about me or him, it was about funding daycare and a hospice. he was so gracious, so friendly, so easy going .he will always have my admiration. i wound up putting in a lot of innings as the catcher.

two years ago he pitched almost the whole game even though he was obviously sick and weak....a profile in real courage..not acting but real life.

yes.. the 7ups was the movie with the car chase

Posted: Feb 12th, '08, 12:13
by Mikey
Forgot how much he had done. Check his IMDB:

Posted: Feb 12th, '08, 12:55
by randall
interesting a search for "joy rosenthal"