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r.i.p. betty hamilton

Posted: Feb 10th, '08, 23:50
by nic
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I'm sure everyone has heard by now, but if not DO NOT use internet explorer as your browser Apparently there is a security issue and passwords, financial information and other such stuff that you do

Posted: Feb 11th, '08, 07:40
by Brewster Minton
Thats very cool!

Posted: Feb 11th, '08, 08:38
by randall
bertram performance is a given. but i always like to hear about it! heres a question for you...on another forum i visit there is a discussion about eating skippies....what are your thoughts on this? .....brewster?

Posted: Feb 11th, '08, 08:45
by Brewster Minton
Oh Yea. People eat them. You have to bleed them right away and ice. There are many ways to prepare them, most of which require soaking the meat in something for long periods of time, which tells you something. Some people will eat them raw.

Posted: Feb 11th, '08, 10:42
by RussP
Last week we killed a 25# Bonita (bonehead) to cut up for strip bait. While cleaning the boat one of our neighboring captians came over to see how we did. Apon seeing the bonehead he said that was way too good to use for bait and took it for dinned. He said his mother-inlaw makes a great soup out of them. I might add they are a Cuban American family and eat anything that comes from the sea. For us we throw back more fish than we keep. I guess were spoiled only keeping and eating Mahi, Wahoo, Tuna, Cobia, Grooper and Snapper. We release all the Snook and Redfish along with the other varites of bottem fish from the river.


Posted: Feb 11th, '08, 12:37
by Harv
Brewster Minton wrote:Oh Yea. People eat them. You have to bleed them right away and ice. There are many ways to prepare them, most of which require soaking the meat in something for long periods of time, which tells you something. Some people will eat them raw.
In the past, before learning about bleeding tunas, we would eat skippies and oceanic bonitas after soaking them in milk overnight. They tasted ok, but not one of my favorite fish. Tried using the same method on false albacore, after learning about bleeding, and would not recommend it. Ask Capt. Dick, he'll tell you the same thing about the albies. After bleeding, filleting, soaking, and cooking,... after a bite or 2 he threw the rest away. I don't even think the neighborhood cats would touch it.

Posted: Feb 11th, '08, 14:29
by Capt. DQ
Nic, that 31 will take more than you & your crew can stand. But then again, thats why we like'm so much!

BO-BO'S is (BAIT), thats what us Southern folk down here think about Blue Fish too, nasty little buggers. Wahoo, now we are talking Filet of Fish. Go Ahead!


Posted: Feb 11th, '08, 15:40
by AndreF
Amen DQ.
Soak a leather boot for two days in milk, brine & ice, slow cook with carrots, onions, plenty pepper for 5 hours and bam! it's edible.
Reminds me of Charlie Chaplain. Ha!
Y'all can have the all the bait and bluefish.
Do y'all eat pogys (menhaden) too?

Posted: Feb 11th, '08, 16:00
by randall
there was a british guy named franklin....he tried to find the northwest passage but instead became famous for eating his shoes....didnt marinate em though

too bad walters not here...he likes blue fish

Posted: Feb 11th, '08, 16:37
by Carl
She's an amazing boat, that is for sure. Our 31's can handle more then I can without a doubt, apparently so can you...

Posted: Feb 11th, '08, 16:55
by Capt. DQ
Andre, now that was funny. LOL


Posted: Feb 11th, '08, 17:06
by nic
We bled them, then onto ice but we didn't core them. One guy said they were alright as sashimi, being careful of the cut....then he said the rest was good in a salad Nicoise, the other guy marinated and lightly pan-fried his in oil and after one bite fed it to the dog. Mine is bait.


Posted: Feb 11th, '08, 17:25
by Bruce
Russ and I remember when we were in Buddy Boy's cabin while Pat was on the bridge running full bore while having the helo take shots of the boat.

More than once while floating in mid air busting thru waves I thought not to many boats would take this. I sure agree with those that say the boat will take far more punsihment than your body.

Now about having to hide in the cabin. I can understand Russ, but me?

There's been more than one cell mate that's told me how good looking I was.

Posted: Feb 11th, '08, 17:48
by J Graham
Take a small piece of the best cut and place in a glass of fine cherry, put the glass in the back of the fridge for 1 week. Throw away the contents and eat the glass. This will work on a varity of species.