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453 detroits

Posted: Feb 9th, '08, 21:50
by Frank Hermann
Anyone out there have 453 detriots in their 31 I do and I would like to hear from others who can share their likes or dislikes .Niose is a factor as is THE DETROIT RUMBLE but --reliability?
I also have two(2) 453 engines-take outs-for sale along with a pair of 2:1 tranys for sale if any one is interested

Posted: Feb 10th, '08, 07:28
by Vince Luciani

I ran detroit 4-53's for over 10 years in my bertram. I repowered last year with Cummins 315 hp engines. Obviously, the boat performs quite differently now. I liked the detroits, but the biggest problem for me with the engines was the oil leakage. I just couldn't get a handle on it. Yes, the motors are loud and the boat is slow. You will never experience what the bertram hull was made to do with the 4-53's.

On the plus side, they were extremely reliable and easy to maintain. Parts are cheap. They just run and run. Overall, if you are OK with 17 knots cruise and can get the "oil slingin" under control, they are not bad engines.

Good luck,


Posted: Feb 10th, '08, 11:34
by Bruce
Like Rosie O'Donnell, if you can stand the weight, leakage, noise and smell, they'll go on and on.

Long after the computer controlled engines are dead and buried, the 4/53's will still be there as long as parts and oil are available.

Posted: Feb 10th, '08, 14:45
by Harry Babb
As I remember the Detroits slobber a little from around the cylinder head but the major source of oil is from the Air Box drain.

A solution to the problem (or just a bandaid) is to have the 1/4" Air Box drain tube actually drain into a plastic container but you have to remember to empty the container regularally. The container MUST NOT be air tight as the Air Box drain must be free to flow air to the outside.

If the Oil from the Air Box drain seems excessive then most likely the blower seals are leaking and the blower should be rebuilt.


Posted: Feb 10th, '08, 15:02
by In Memory of Vicroy
Tropic Star Lodge in Panama runs 15 B31s with 4-53s (and one with Yannies). They put about 2,000 hours a year on them and rebuild at 6,000 hours. Head of maintaince down there told me he keeps the governors set at about 100 hp and the captains run them wide open, none of the boats have tachs. Bring ear plugs.......


Posted: Feb 10th, '08, 15:53
by randall
wide open in reverse also.....nothing like having mahi guts spill in your lap as the transom wave hits the the half cleaned fish laid out in front of you.......grrrrr.....its manly