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And you think you fish tuna

Posted: Jan 15th, '08, 20:57
by AndreF

Posted: Jan 15th, '08, 22:27
by Harry Babb
I had seen that footage before on TV a bunch of years ago. I'm estimating that the big tuna on that video were in the 200+ pound range.

Looks like a tough way to make a living..............I just watched the clip and I am just exhausted.


Posted: Jan 15th, '08, 22:52
by In Memory Walter K
Did any of you see the NY Times article on the international illegal seafood business? As you might guess, China is a biggie in that area, followed by Korea and Japan. I went to the Tskiji fish market in Tokyo at 4 am when the Tuna auctions go on...scary! EVERYTHING that swims is there every morning! I cannot believe that the sea can sustain that kind of harvesting. Think I liked it better when you HAD to eat fish on Fridays and hated it! Walter

Posted: Jan 16th, '08, 08:45
by Bruce
60 minutes had a story on commercial tuna fishing Sunday.

The ocean continues to be raped along with most other of earth's natural resources.
We just can't get it thru our heads that these resources are not infinite.

Here's a link if you didn't see it. Scary stuff. The future of sea species a few decades down the road don't look good. ... 0644.shtml

Posted: Jan 16th, '08, 08:53
by 34Hatt
Boy save a lot of money on reels doing it that way. But how about having a 200-300 lbs tuna going over you and sometimes right across your chest.
Boy times have change and not for the better!