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Props take 2

Posted: Jan 13th, '08, 21:15
by gplume
Thanks all for the inputs on the props (previous post). Had a little thaw this weekend and got a chance to get down to the boat and do some work (after catching the swell that came in early Saturday....water temp a balmy 42F...but decent wave height and a realtively soft offshore wind made it a lot of fun). Got em un bolted, but am a little timid to really apply some force to remove them without some advice. A couple of "love" taps with a block 0f wood and a 5lb sledge, and no movement. Should I gin up a puller..(I have a couple of flywheel pullers that may work with som modification)....or just apply heat to the hub. Advice from someone that has removed them before is appreciated....before I create a real attacking these things like a numbskull.

Dug -- Stamp under the nut was guesd is that these guys were the last one to true these props.

Posted: Jan 13th, '08, 21:56
by John F.
Get a puller. Ask around the yard, you may be able to borrow one. My understanding is that you can damage the tranny if you try to beat them off. When you use the puller, lossen the nut a bit but leave it on. When mine (and a couple of others I've done) "popped off," they really pop. The nut keeps the prop from moving much when it pops. Easy job with a puller.

Posted: Jan 14th, '08, 10:12
by Mikey
What John said plus a good squirt of CX. POP!

Posted: Jan 14th, '08, 10:44
by Carl
If the props came off with a couple wraps on a piece of wood, I would be concerned you did not have a good prop to shaft fit. Using a prop knocker you still have to go solid metal on metal with a hefty swing of a 5lb peruader to get them to pop. If they don't pop I go to pullers not bigger peruaders

I third the puller as my first choice. If still stubborn leave puller attached, cranked down real good and then you can apply some heat. Small propane torch on the hub does wonders.

Posted: Jan 14th, '08, 17:33
by Capt Dick Dean
I use a prop nut ... Take off the two shaft nuts, put the prop nut just a fraction of an inch from the hub and wack it with a four lb hammer. I always put some CX on the day before. Have done it five times. Works for me.