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You know you've worked too long if....

Posted: Jan 11th, '08, 23:49
by CaptPatrick
Like most days, I got a fair amount of good work done today, and as usual not anywhere near as much as I thought I'd accomplish when finishing my morning cup of coffee.

One late project started is a 78"x21" deck hatch cover for a fishbox. The first thing to do is to configure the Divinycell core. One long edge will have a piano hinge so that edge gets a 1/2"x3/4" strip of Pensky Board laminated to it so that the screws will have more than just the glass skin to lock into.

Well, it's getting to the end of the day, sunlight wise, so I stop to the feed the dogs. This is usually the signal that the day is pretty much over, but I decide that I'll spend just a few more minutes and get that strip laminated so I'll be ready for a layup tomorrow morning.

I mix up some polyester resin & quickly prime the surfaces. Set the resin down and wipe away the excess from the bonding surfaces. Bay door is still open, the dogs are barkin' at neighbor's weenie dog, & I'm hollerin' at them to shut up. Pick the resin up mix in Cabosil to the consistency of peanut butter and get it applied. Press the strip into place secure my clamps, clean up excess, & call it quits.

After an hour or so, gotta' go back down in the shop to find something & figure I'll go ahead & remove the clamps and be even that much more along the way. I give the remaining resin in the cup a feel to be sure that it's kicked, & find that it's still just as wet as when I mixed it. Huhhh???

Look over and see another cup sitting on top of the shop vac & it has some hardened un-thickened resin in it....

Turns out that I mixed the Cabosil into an ounce or two of tea, not the catalyzed resin. (Exactly the same style of paper cups.) Well, $(#*%*&$@!!!

Spent a few minutes scrubbing everything down with acetone and left it to dry out over night. Back to square one in the morning. No big deal.

But the moral of the story is: When the day is done, it's done! Squeezing in more job time is usually counter productive & often only cost you more time by back stepping...

Gotta' admit though, it's the first time I ever tried to glue something together with tea. Just glad I didn't drink the rest of the resin.



Posted: Jan 12th, '08, 00:06
by Harry Babb
Pat.......I can see the humor in your story..........Ya see I do a good bit of AutoCad and other computer telephone is right next to my mouse pad.

A while back after fighting the bear all day I could not figure just why the computer was not taking my numerical input........after retrying several times I realized that instead of using the numeric keypad on the computer keyboard I was trying to enter the numbers on my telephone keypad........immediately looked around to make sure no one was watching me.

At that point I figured that it was time to go grind fiberglass or simply go for a walk.

Made me laugh at myself.


Posted: Jan 12th, '08, 01:44
by JohnD
ROFLMAO, been there done that, I'm a few years younger. I laugh to myself everytime I tell the wife I hate to be around me 30 years from now, cause I won't remember.....(she doesn't laugh).

Welcome to the world of the distracted.... ADHD, you're never too old to get it.....

Damm, I wish I remember the post I was replying to.


Posted: Jan 12th, '08, 09:02
by Harry Babb
ROFLMAO, been there done that, I'm a few years younger
A few years younger???..... mentally of physically....
One of my aunts ask me regularly "Harry when are you going to grow up".......I'm thinking that I must appear quite young to her.....LOL

I am still hung up in the 60's (the greatest decade ever) I have a 66 Bertram.......69 Corvette........and a 69 model Wife.......and probably still have some Tie Dye shirts somewhere........LOL

Once three ladies were talking amoung themselves and one said......

the other day I was standing in the door way and could not remember if I was coming in the door or going out of the door

the second lady said that she was standing in her closet with her hat in her hand and she could not remember if I was putting it on or taking it off

the third lady laughed at the other two while taping on the table and saying "knock on wood I have never had those kind of problems"......then she, looking real puzzled, said "whose at the door?"


Posted: Jan 12th, '08, 18:55
by Raybo Marine NY
could have been worse- you could have went to drink what you THOUGHT was the tea.

sometimes it is best to put everything down and call it a day.

Posted: Jan 12th, '08, 22:04
by Bruce
could have been worse- you could have went to drink what you THOUGHT was the tea.
Done that not too long ago with ATF oil in a cup. Thought it was fruit punch gatorade.

Posted: Jan 12th, '08, 22:13
by Harry Babb
Done that not too long ago with ATF oil in a cup. Thought it was fruit punch gatorade.
Bet that SHIFTED you past high gear and right into OVERDRIVE LOL


Posted: Jan 13th, '08, 11:39
by Mikey
Three old guys comparing the problems of the aging process.
The first say, "it's my hearing, even with the aid I can't hear squat."
The second say, naw, it my eyesight. I've got bifocals and still I'm blind as a bat."
The third say, "you're both wrong. It my memory. I can't remember from one minute to the next. I came in the house last night and my wife say, 'you look like you've had it.' An you know, I couldn't remember whether I had or not."