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Have a Happy, Safe, New Years Everyone!

Posted: Dec 31st, '07, 16:27
by Carl
Have a Happy, Safe, New Years Everyone!

Best Regards,

Posted: Dec 31st, '07, 17:39
by randall
thanks too

Posted: Dec 31st, '07, 18:32
by Dug
You guys also! I am sitting at the parents beach house, just fixed the wireless internet, and getting ready to head out to dinner. Liz and I will be joined by 10-12 of our good friends, and I spent the day messing about on Alchemy. I found a severely corroded bolt below the water line, and will be replacing that, along with all the others I believe. And bonding them!

I also removed the top cap on the rudder packing, and need to get one of the hooks to get all the old gook out, and replace the packing. Another good project.

Lastly I pulled the transducer cable partway out because the ducer was giving me trouble with inconsistent temperature, and Raymarine wants me to send it back.

All in all, an awesome day! I am looking forward to an even better year next year!

To all of you, I wish you the same, along with health, happiness and great boating on our 31's!!!


Posted: Dec 31st, '07, 19:54
by Harry Babb
Today is a special day for me. During the Thanksgiving weekend of 2004 I purchased DeNada. She was docked at a marina in Dog River in Mobile Alabama.

To make the trip home to Fish River I had to cross Mobile Bay and Weeks Bay. Weeks bay is very shallow especially in the winter. As it happened the tides were right in the daylight hours early on New Years eve of 2004 to make the trip home.

So my wife took Chris, my son, Rodney and Coleman, my friends, and myself to Dog River, dropped us off and we began our journey home.

So New Years eve will have a special meaning to me for the rest of my life..the anniversery of bringing DeNada home.

Hope you guys have a safe New Years celebration and a healthy New Year.


Posted: Dec 31st, '07, 21:09
by Tony Meola
Here's to everyone having happy, prosperus and healthy New Year. Tony Meola

Posted: Dec 31st, '07, 21:19
by JP Dalik
Happy New Year

Here's to everyone making it home!!!!!!!!!!

Posted: Jan 1st, '08, 11:44
by Rawleigh
God bless you all during this New Year.