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Boucoup oysters

Posted: Dec 26th, '07, 20:03
by In Memory of Vicroy
Still shucking away on that huge sack Capt. Brent gave me....done the half shell, the Mosca, more half shell, some bbq (half shell with Parm. cheese and bacon bits on the grill) and just did the Oysters Saute'....for two people, can add more oysters and maybe go up on the saute' ingrediments 25% per 2 extra people:

Two and a half dozen oysters, washed and let stand in a bowl to make oyster likker - yes yankees, you have to shuck the oysters first, don't just throw them shell and all in a bowl;

Take an iron skillet and pour just enough olive oil to cover the bottom;

Then melt a half stick of real butter in the olive oil over dead low heat;

Chop three green onions fine and add to saute'

Add the juice of half a lemon, keep stirring the saute to keep the onions from burning - you are trying to get them to the clear state;

Using a garlic press, squeeze in about 3 or 4 cloves of garlic, or crused or minced out of a jar will do, keep stirring the saute with a spatula;

Add a half cup of dry white wine and let the saute cook down, keep stirring;

Add a little hot sauce, not much - add NO salt;

Put in a couple of handfuls of sliced fresh mushrooms and let them saute down in the juice, takes about 10 minutes;

When the saute gets pretty thick, add the oyster likker (juice) but not the oysters, let cook down again;

Now add the oysters and mix them up in the saute and pat them down, cook til they curl, just barely, maybe 4 minutes at the most.

Serve over toast or if you have it, white rice.

Takes about 25-30 minutes to do the whole deal, and it be's Coonass Good.

Ya'll try it.


Posted: Dec 27th, '07, 00:44
by IRGuy
You da man UV!

Posted: Dec 27th, '07, 09:59
by Mikey
On my way to the oyster store.

Posted: Dec 28th, '07, 14:10
by Rob C
Went for a quick fishing trip yesterday cuz work was SLOW. Headed out around three, crossed the bay temp was 57 with about 20 mph wind, COLD. Picked up a few specs and a fat red, got colder and cloudy. Back at the house and w/ the 2ft low tide and a strong breeze the bulkhead was exposed and covered with clean, fat, gorgeous oysters!! I had, had a few beers and it took all my will power not to start in on them. Galveston bay is doing much better than 10 years ago but am still not sure if I want to give it a try just yet? I know they harvest them in the bay so I bet they are ok??? I think I have to go to Goode Co. Seafood and get a doz on the 1/2 shell NOW, later.

Rob C

Posted: Dec 28th, '07, 14:36
by dougl33
With all those oysters, you and Mrs UV must be getting awful tired!

Posted: Dec 28th, '07, 16:49
by Mikey
"Alcohol" and "will power" in the same sentence?
Contradiction in terms.