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New Flybridge Seating

Posted: Dec 19th, '07, 16:12
by jtyson
Here are some pics of new flybridge seating.




Larger Image

Posted: Dec 19th, '07, 16:16
by jtyson

Posted: Dec 19th, '07, 16:17
by jspiezio
beautiful job, good luck with her. Where is she located?

Posted: Dec 19th, '07, 18:14
by bob lico
i can`t imagine a guy making the canvas guy line up all the vertical and horizotal pipework so you could not view the stamoid canvas from the outside of the 31 bert he must be anal!!!

Posted: Dec 19th, '07, 18:29
by jspiezio
i can`t imagine a guy making the canvas guy line up all the vertical and horizotal pipework so you could not view the stamoid canvas from the outside
I hadn't thought of that Bob. I thought he did it to prevent the clear from rubbing or cracking on the piping. Jtyson, which is it?

Posted: Dec 19th, '07, 18:43
by bob lico
only playing with you this is my boat photograph by a extremely knowlegable marine advisor on the staff of tracy manufacturer i was not aware he took the pictues.i insisted on two real seats on the bridge and he talk me out of a bottle boat (sea ray seating)arrangement i was about to do on a real sportfishing boat.i took out 1 arm of the port seat then put the two full size seats next to each other and it fit by 1/4" thank you joe tyson and the white powder coat it tops on the todd seats!!!

Posted: Dec 19th, '07, 18:49
by davidms

Is your boat in Sayville? Is it possible to take a look?



Posted: Dec 19th, '07, 19:25
by jspiezio
Bob she is beautiful, I saw your shots in the bootstripe thread. didnt realize it was the same boat

Posted: Dec 19th, '07, 22:34
by bob lico
the boat is at the oakdale yacth club on shore road in oakdale.i just took it out of the water and with wrap it at the end of the week.just come into the marina and the boat is on the hard next to the forklift station.
getting back to that terrible post i wrote i could not understand it day i was trying to decide what seating arrangment i wanted on the bridge i was all set for a plush bench seat and the c.e.o. of tracy/todd inc. was at the dock with some boat manufacturer c.e.o tracy/todd make the custom seats you see on boats with the manufacturer name embroided on the backrest.well there i was with the formost authority on boat seating at the stern of phoenix telling me to do the right thing;" treat it like a baby buddy davis/rybovich and make the bridge look like the great sportfisheman she is".i said i would but cannot find two seats that will fit side by side and have captain chair be centered on the custom console.joe tyson took the job and here you see the perfect fit.

Posted: Dec 19th, '07, 22:38
by bob lico
another look from stern e-perb also a perfect fit between rocket launchers rod holders
