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jim patterson??

Posted: Dec 18th, '07, 12:05
by randall
so last night caren ,mike o ,and i go to my friend peters club to see hot tuna.....caren gets a tooth ache and bails giving her seat to this very nice young lady...who gets to talking to mike which leads to this revelation...her daddy owns a B31 in jupiter if you out there in bertramland....hello from your daughter...real nice gal

Posted: Dec 18th, '07, 17:39
by Bruce
Was the last name of her dad Otto?

That was my last 31 repower in Jupiter and he came from your area and his kids are there. I think he still has a house there also.

Hot Tuna, cool.

Posted: Dec 18th, '07, 18:23
by randall
no...patterson...told her id give it a shot and she said she would tell him about the site

Posted: Dec 18th, '07, 18:51
by jspiezio
Don't mean to thread jack, But how was the show? Always love Stephens talk house.

Iwas thinking of seeing the show, but got a last minute invite to Neil Young at the Palace that night.

Posted: Dec 18th, '07, 19:40
by randall
ive seen them there a ton of times and frankly last night wasnt the best of the bunch.....the sound was a little muffled for the first half of the set...and trust me if deaf in one ear tone deaf me can tell it must have been bad..mike knows a lot more about the finer points than me.......they did play a real long set however and the general energy level from them and the crowd was great.....and it was a freebee so you will never ever hear me complain.....for everyone else we're talkin about a room thats considerably smaller than some of my clients living rooms

Posted: Dec 18th, '07, 20:28
by mike ohlstein
The show was good. Pretty standard fare for those guys. I saw Neil Young on Wednesday, and he was incredible. Also saw a pretty good Ronnie Spector Christmas show on Sunday.

I probably see about 70 shows per year......

Posted: Dec 18th, '07, 21:07
by jspiezio
Mike- great acoustic set, no? I wish I could see that many shows a year. Family life limits me to about 5!