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Cudos to Bennett trim tabs

Posted: Dec 5th, '07, 20:53
by Bruce
In my world very rare is a company that displays good customer service on its products without having to act like an 8 year old kid in a grocery store.

Bennett trim tabs really helped out in a situation they didn't need to. Especially since the Turkish boat maker modified the crap out of their system.

We have a bunch of folks read this forum and I like to give a good review when it happens, though not often enough .

Thanks Bennett.

Posted: Dec 5th, '07, 21:58
by Harry Babb
Comments like yours about Bennett are always good to hear.......I have Bennett tabs on one of my old boats and never had a problem.

In all of the negative BS that we hear about our country and our working force there are still some good companies and people that deserve recognition......they get my money and the others don't


Posted: Dec 6th, '07, 02:49
by Harv
I have Bennett tabs on both of my boats.
In the years that I have owned them I ran into 2 problems.
Bennett was only too happy to help me on both occasions, and
they did it at minimal expense.

Posted: Dec 6th, '07, 17:56
by Rawleigh
Mine are 20+ years old and haven't even needed refilling!! Totally maintenance free! Amazing.

Posted: Dec 6th, '07, 19:06
by J Graham
Bruce, I have a 25 v-drive single diesel. I would like to bring the bow down slightly at cruise, but more importantly need to be able to trim side to side. A few folks have recommended the Volvo QS system. Prior boats have all had Bennetts with no problems. The only reason the QS system is of interest is the cleaner transom. Any thoughts.