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Max Wax test

Posted: Aug 13th, '06, 15:13
by In Memory of Vicroy
Friday afternoon I cleaned the aluminum prop on the Honda 15 with alcohol then shot a thin coat of Max Wax on it. Let it cure (95 degrees out) for 24 hours. Ran it yesterday for a little while and the stuff is 100% still there. Hmmmmmmm - have we stumbled on something here?


Max Wax

Posted: Aug 13th, '06, 21:36
by Capt. Mike Holmes
But Unca Vic, you ain't got no barnacles in the Tickfaw, huh?

Posted: Aug 14th, '06, 07:16
by In Memory of Vicroy
No barnacles on the Tickfaw, but the test was to see if the stuff would stay on the prop. Seems to. If it does, hard to see how anything could attach to the slippery stuff.....


Posted: Aug 14th, '06, 17:25
by In Memory of Vicroy
Got two cases of Max Wax in today, so if you want to give it a try, gimme a shout.


Posted: Aug 14th, '06, 18:06
by Trey Dibrell
It will make it a lot to easier free yourself when you run aground too!

Da Judge

Posted: Aug 14th, '06, 19:26
by Tommy

I received the shipment today (2 CX, 2 MaxWax, 1 Rejex). Thanks for the great service. It will be a while before I haul, but I will give a report after allowing some time..
