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Thuddddddd's comin hide the alcohol and get the antacids

Posted: Nov 12th, '07, 20:58
by JP Dalik
Thought you guys were hyjacking a thread so I started this new one.

Timmy if your comin give me fair warning, I'll load the RLDT with single malt and dramamine. You choose.
Fishing will probably be good, kinda like hunting chucker with a 10 ga the way we do it. But the drinks will be cold.

If jr. gives you any crap just throw him in the water like I do. Another 10 years if he's still pissin in my ear he gets the tazer.

So do you think momma liked the "history" lesson.

See you soon.

Posted: Nov 12th, '07, 22:17
by thuddddddd
"that JP's sooooooooo funny" nuff to make me hurl, like I was in 1' seas on RLDT. No more talking to the boss. Single malt, and we don't leave the dock(ok maybe just for the bar that starts with D, after loading up at home.

BTW a 10ga is what mike uses for quail and dove, so probaly be ok

Posted: Nov 12th, '07, 23:38
by JohnCranston
Single malt? Yea, I think that I could hang with you guys.

Posted: Nov 13th, '07, 06:19
by thuddddddd
John, anytime you'd like, but getting a tad bit chilly for your southern posterior, this time of year. LOL

Posted: Nov 14th, '07, 11:18
by neil
timmyyyyyy it looks like fri is a good day to fish, it will be you,jp, myself and the two boys on my boat

Posted: Nov 14th, '07, 12:03
by JP Dalik
I don't do the "D" Bar, to many franklins leave my pocket. Gotta save them for diesel and shad's

Posted: Nov 14th, '07, 12:16
by neil
jp jr and i are heading out for the afternoon bite they are off the inlet in the 60s

Posted: Nov 14th, '07, 14:59
by thuddddddd
you get rid of the clunkers and got a 60' , you da man.

Posted: Nov 21st, '07, 21:55
by JP Dalik
Well Timmy what your excuse, workin.... fighten with momma, working on the Tubb (LOL) Regardless bottom line I heard your not gonna make it down.

You Suck!!!!!!!!!
Your buying dinner next month when I'm up.

Posted: Nov 21st, '07, 22:00
by thuddddddd
Gotta work fri. otherwise you know I'd be there. Beatin Jr's worth setting on that crap asphalt you call the GSP. Next tim your up Messican?? My favorite localjoint??

Posted: Nov 21st, '07, 22:05
by thuddddddd
BTW,looks like I may have inside heated storage forthe tubb, and the motor guys all jammed up to get them in