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Bow chock update

Posted: Nov 9th, '07, 09:58
by Dug
I have information finally!

The factory is testing the mold right now. If it checks out, we will have parts will be ready to ship in 30 days or less.

What that means is not that we will have parts in 30 days, but that they will be ready to ship.

I am getting the feeling that this is taking time as it is being fit into the normal product that this company runs for thier product lines.

I will know more when I get word on when the parts ship.

Thank you to all for the patience!!!!!


Posted: Nov 9th, '07, 11:04
by Harry Babb
Hi Dug
I put out an APB on you in Mexico.............thought you had taked our money and skipped the country..........Ha Ha

Guess we can call off the dogs for at least another 30 days.............

Thanks for the update

Harry Babb

Posted: Nov 9th, '07, 11:11
by Dug

Without a doubt I want this to produce great parts, and to get them to all who have trusted me thus far. I daresay the trust established by my past involvement in rendezvous events far surpasses this!

That being said, it would take a lot more money to make me even begin to want to skip the country and stiff my friends... I am not sure that money would actually tip the scale and make it worth it.

I want you guys all to get your chocks, and I want them to look awesome!


Posted: Nov 9th, '07, 11:21
by Harry Babb

You do realize that I am only jerking your chain.........don't you??????


Posted: Nov 9th, '07, 12:55
by Rocket
Harry, I think Dug was going to flee with the 7,500 buck or whatever, but then the US$ took such a tumble that it doesn't look so good for him and he'll have to get us the parts now. Of course I'm sure he wishes that I'd paid him in CDN $ now - he could have made an extra $75 and we'd never see him again! :wink:

Dug - looking forward to seeing the chocks - sounds like you are ensuring that the quality will live up to your exacting standards.

Posted: Nov 9th, '07, 16:05
by Harry Babb
Hey Rocket

That's a good reply there...............

I just made arrangments to have DeNada put on a trailer and brought to my shop on November 30........then I go into the distruction mode and prepare to repower and then mount a Brand New Spanking Bow Chock on DeNada's nose.

Harry Babb

Posted: Nov 9th, '07, 17:19
by Dug

I absolutely know that!

No worries!!!!


Posted: Nov 10th, '07, 15:53
by thuddddddd
Harry, Dug is another member of the Lucky Sperm club. He spends more on hair products monthly than I do on single malt(and we all know I have a affliction) he aint beating it with 7kish of our money, least till liz tells him to,.LOL

Posted: Nov 10th, '07, 19:01
by JP Dalik
There's the Timmy we know and almost like.

Posted: Nov 10th, '07, 22:10
by Harry Babb

Good to hear from you again..........I was wondering if someone had hurt your feelings and you took your boat and went home..........Guess we should be calling Liz for Bow Chock progress reports..Ha Ha


Posted: Nov 11th, '07, 22:27
by thuddddddd
harry, it's chore, work and huntin season. Tubb putting back together season will soon be here, and so will I

Posted: Nov 12th, '07, 08:14
by offshore31
in the immortal words of gene wilder, 'it is alive!'. Tim, where you been and what've you been up to? i'll swing by when you're around one of these weekends.


Posted: Nov 12th, '07, 16:47
by neil
timmmmmmmmmmmmmmy are you comoing to jersey for turkey or xmas? JR IS READY TO KICK YOUR ASS

Posted: Nov 12th, '07, 19:20
by thuddddddd
Joe , bring a shotgun, we'll go shoot some grouse.

Neil, Jr got about 5 more years till he's big enough, and I'm more wore out, for him to waste his efforts. Ya, looks like the boss is dragging my sorry ass down, unless I can come with yet another hunting trip, or another room to remodel. what you got planned for fri/sat?

Posted: Nov 15th, '07, 12:27
by 34Hatt
thuddddddd wrote:harry, it's chore, work and huntin season. Tubb putting back together season will soon be here, and so will I
Yeah we will see Talk is Cheap and Easy!!!!

Posted: Nov 15th, '07, 19:37
by Capt Dick Dean
Diesel Doug ... this thread .... hijacked!

Posted: Nov 15th, '07, 21:46
by Harry Babb
Well Dan............I am going to get real humble and quiet about Timmys Tubbbbbbb for a see DeNada is coming out of the water at the end of this month for Repower and I intend to have her back in the water for Ling season in the early spring...........I sure don't want Timmy riding my ass and putting DeNada in the "Back Yard Boat" catagory.

I am also putting DeNada on the hill so that I can install my brand new spanking Bow Chock.

How bout that Capt Dick..........Now the thread is not hijacked NO MO


Posted: Nov 16th, '07, 08:24
by 34Hatt
Well we can't hijack it as much as the Question to Brewster!

But I will tell you that when I asked Timmmmy about his Bow chock he answered I don't know maybe Ill use it as a paper weight. I just figured he didn't want to put it on the Tubbbb. Not that it would never be ready for it. See Bow chock has been addressed.

Harry it is normal to pull them during the off season to work on them and then get them back in sometimes it goes over but as long as you keep gaining on it that's all that matter's. Good Luck with it.

Posted: Nov 16th, '07, 09:50
by thuddddddd
Dan, you tell Cris your going to be traveling to Ma all winter??

Posted: Nov 16th, '07, 12:16
by 34Hatt
thuddddddd wrote:Dan, you tell Cris your going to be traveling to Ma all winter??
No Problem I guess that means Business been real good since you can afford me! And no I won't work for just beer!

Posted: Nov 16th, '07, 16:12
by thuddddddd
not to worry, I got pizza on the way as well