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Heavy Seas

Posted: Nov 3rd, '07, 08:43
by Capt Dick Dean
The North Atlantic - seas today to 18 feet

Randall, you might want to take today's venue to Lake Montauk
Thudddd, get in touch with either Lil' Eva or Cappy -- ask if they would TOW you to th lee side of the river
Walter, stay home
Capt Harv, your O.K. Your on the hard -- get out some weed
CWJ, this is the day for an insurance claim -- timing, perfect

That's the it looks from the kitchen window!

Posted: Nov 3rd, '07, 09:50
by randall
plus the wind and rain.....pouring rain and blowing 30+ at the moment.....maybe later

Posted: Nov 3rd, '07, 19:40
by dougl33
19 foot seas at Stellwagon in Mass Bay. The buoy SE of Nantucket is reporting 33 foot seas with 50kt wind speed and 70 knot gusts.

Posted: Nov 4th, '07, 08:11
by Bruce
We just got over the rough seas.

All the sand they keep dumping on the beach at taxpayers expense, keeps going out to sea.

A south Palm Beach condo building right on the ocean had its back concrete deck washed away and possible foundation cracking. The people who lived there on the news want you to feel sorry for them and they've applied for taxpayer funds to help them repair.

Never understood those who lived in the path of mother nature and expect taxpayers to help them out when she gets angry and reclaims what is hers.

Posted: Nov 4th, '07, 08:25
by mike ohlstein
Those building permits should come with a 'build at your own risk' disclaimer.......