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Surfs UP ! ! !

Posted: Nov 1st, '07, 22:01
by Harry Babb
What about it Randall.............High surf is headed your way........once again this year we, here on the Gulf Coast, were spared from the wrath of a hurricane.

About 2 hours ago our local news anounced that Noel had been upgraded to a hurricane 80 MPH winds............skirting the east coast

Good news for both of us. No hurricane for us and surfing weather for you.

Harry Babb

Posted: Nov 2nd, '07, 05:44
by thuddddddd
Wooooo hoooo Harry , good on ya.
Maybe the high winds will keep the woodcock up here , just a bit longer. And maybe the prof will get off his ass and come shoot some, and maybe UV will mello in in advancing age, and maybe I'll hit the loto, and maybe Andre will ge a real boat, oh well we can all dream.

Posted: Nov 2nd, '07, 07:41
by Harry Babb
So there you are Timmy. I've been wondering where you are hiding.

If you get blown away by Noel you can always bring your goose gun down here (South of I10) and go dove hunting right in my front yard.

Like the old band "The lovin spoonful" once said "Life is but a dream"

Dreamin on! ! ! ! !

Posted: Nov 2nd, '07, 08:47
by randall
hey harry...there is some swell coming but the wind forcast is a little large....35-48 out of the northeast forcast for the high swell period........i would think its a little late for a tropical storm............except the leaves are still mostly green ( a little color , but no where near normal)...the water is in the 60s and i went kayak fishing last night in a light flannel shirt....very strange

Posted: Nov 2nd, '07, 20:23
by CMP
Time to dust off the rhino chaser, Randall. Let 'er rip...


Posted: Nov 2nd, '07, 22:28
by randall
actually rode it last week to get ready...8'2" billy hamilton....have to admit i'm not what i once was.....a few here know what tomorrow is ....but if its with in reason ill probably give it a go

Posted: Nov 2nd, '07, 22:38
by nic

If it happens can you post some pics?


Posted: Nov 3rd, '07, 08:38
by CMP
I haven't dusted off a stick later than September in too long. The points up here should really be going off tomorrow when the wind shifts offshore...


Posted: Nov 3rd, '07, 09:54
by randall
its off shore here right now....but its also pouring rain and 30+ (wind)....since today is my 60th b'day i think ill wait till it calms down a bit and just relax....there was a time not very long ago id be in my truck right now at my favorite big wave spot waiting for the first hint of an opportunity...really kind of hard to believe

Posted: Nov 3rd, '07, 10:51
by CaptPatrick
Happy Birthday, Randy!

Posted: Nov 3rd, '07, 11:27
by Rocket
Randall, go. You are just an experienced teenager.

Posted: Nov 3rd, '07, 15:51
by randall
thanks cap't...appreciate it........caren and i took a drive a little east to check it out......first a beachbreak....its a little hard to judge size but the inside wave is double overhead easy...the outside one...??...the cliff shot at the air base is deceptive also.....much larger then it looks and i could feel the 50++mph wind edging me toward the cliff...whole thing was way more out of control than it looked........we did see one fellow with a wet suit on but no one in the water anywhere..........dont think surf casting was big....and no boats in the rips



Posted: Nov 3rd, '07, 20:44
by In Memory Walter K
Hey Randy- Dinaz and I wish you Happy birthday and many, many more!

Posted: Nov 3rd, '07, 22:23
by gplume
Rode all 11/3.

Good swell, well overhead. But a narly and nasty wind out of the north east at roughly 30-40 mph made it a little cahallenging to get over the peak, keeping the wave count doen a bit. Once on the down time.

Riding a 9.0 RA wingnut. Son did much better on a short baord. Some good pix? Will post the link when I get it.

Posted: Nov 3rd, '07, 22:46
by randall
all right!!....and thanks walter

Posted: Nov 4th, '07, 08:09
by Harry Babb
Happy birthday Randall


Posted: Nov 4th, '07, 14:23
by CMP
Happy B-day Randall! That last pic sent shivers down my spine-it reminds me of the first time I saw Maverick's back in '83. Looks eerily similar to the north cliff there...


Posted: Nov 4th, '07, 16:45
by randall
hey mark...we checked out mavs in 72 or 73 (of course it wasnt named or surfed yet) and i for one didnt even consider it...double overhead steamer lane was enough for me.............what a difference a day makes........much more doable today....really clean and beautiful .... thanks for the b'day wishes...i slightly injured myself last night....i sorta remember it Image



Posted: Nov 4th, '07, 19:53
by Capt. Mike Holmes
Randall, I would never have guessed the age - seems you are as young as you feel. Very glad we were able to meet at Port Eads - wadin' and watchin' for snakes and gators on the submerged dock. Good times that I hope we'll be able to repeat - somewhere.

Guys, Randall is the most talented wtih the smallest ego artist I've ever met - or ever even heard about. When he showed me his book of pictures at Port Eads that year, I was totally in awe - and still am. Don't know how he can even envision the things he does before he starts - completely amazing.

Posted: Nov 4th, '07, 21:55
by nic
Thanks Randall,

Pretty break. Happy Birthday.


Posted: Nov 5th, '07, 08:30
by thuddddddd
Happy belated Ran'dallllllllllll

Harry, how long is the season??

Posted: Nov 5th, '07, 08:55
by Dug

Happy birthday!

Yesterday's weather was beautiful, wasn't it...

Congratulations on the 60th! You sure don't show it!


Posted: Nov 5th, '07, 19:13
by Chris Frank L.D.S.
Happy Birthday. Have not seen surf that nice in a while down here in NC. Was that at Turtles?

Posted: Nov 5th, '07, 20:56
by Harry Babb

Alabama has a Split Season for Dove hunting. October 6-November 4 then November 22 - November 25 and finally December 8 - January 12.......around here Dove hunting is a big thing until the minute deer gun season opens.

The afternoons sound like a small war in the fields around my shop during Dove season..........

I take it that you did not go surfing with Randall ???????????


Posted: Nov 5th, '07, 22:14
by scot
Happy belated Randall, I wish you many more.

2 or 3 Dove seasons is required in the South because when it's hot far too much beer is consumed during the hunt...... "and ya'll don't kill nuff of em."

Posted: Nov 5th, '07, 22:19
by randall
hey nailed it ..turtles....ive been looking at hurricane swells in montauk for over 30 years (every one) and this one was very focused....lit up the reefs but not a lot of white water or stray again today and still slightly overhead

mike...thanks for the kind words...appreciate it

Posted: Nov 6th, '07, 10:36
by capy
Happy belated B-day Randall!

60 huh? WHatever you been drinkin, you should bottle and sell as a youth potion.

Posted: Nov 6th, '07, 12:38
by randall
thanks paul....without bein sappy.........dont sweat the small stuff...count you blessings.....realize that how you spend your time and who you spend it with is ,besides health,is the only wealth there is.............and whenever dessert first.......................oh quote my dad "dont go into retail"

Posted: Nov 8th, '07, 19:30
by Chris Frank L.D.S.
Looks great. Maybe next time I'm in NY maybe we can ride a few together. Might not be as big as last week, but it's always fun! When it gets cold up there and your tired of putting wood in the stove, call me. We have a place for you to stay, anytime.

Posted: Nov 8th, '07, 22:21
by randall
thanks chris...hell tired off putting wood in the stove already....but when you look at the price of heating oil....makes it easier