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Tornado hits P'cola

Posted: Oct 18th, '07, 13:27
by Capt. DQ
Well this morning, P'cola got its butt kicked again with a F2/F3 Tornado that formed right behind my house on Bayou Grande, right close to main gate of Pensacola NAS...and continued along the bayfront then turned inland toward Downtown Pensacola which you will see on the national news with some really awesome video. My neighbors house.... that is two houses down from me got hit pretty good but lucky my house and my B31 was just grazed by it. But alot of other damged stuff all over Pensacola.


Posted: Oct 18th, '07, 13:52
by Rickysa
Glad you came out ok!

I've been following this development for the last week...supposed to hit Midwest today (watches and warnings beginning to pop up), so Fla. was a surpise...and the video of the wall cloud/tornado really is impressive.

wear-tv has footage, as does cnn I believe.


Posted: Oct 18th, '07, 14:02
by Rawleigh
Dang Doug, you guys are having a tough time!! Glad you made it through OK. Sorry about the neighbor and others.


Posted: Oct 18th, '07, 14:20
by Capt. Mike Holmes
After having a small one make a direct hit on my house summer before last, I don't want a big one, Sorry Pensacola got hit.

Posted: Oct 18th, '07, 15:06
by Capt. DQ
I'm use to dealin with Hurricanes not Tornado's....nasty lil buggers, water spouts no can see them coming....but Tornado's are no warning @ all, the weather guru's missed that call today as tornado's were not in the forecast like that...maybe a water spout...which are not uncommon for us.

Tornado Sirens @ NAS Pensacola were suppose to go off as there new weather warning system and did not....Hummm...somebody gonna be having to answer up on that one! If your in the path of this advise to be paying close attention. I would not want to imagine this shit happening @ nightime in bed a sleep.


Posted: Oct 18th, '07, 15:22
by In Memory of Vicroy
DQ, glad it missed you....I saw it winding up on the radar this morning, it all came from a tropical wave that never got a name that formed up in the NW Gulf and came right over us and the mouth of the Miss. River headed your way last had 5 tracks on it, all close to each other....maybe the weather guessers need to get on line? Baro. pressure here still down at 29.62".....the glass don't lie......

We got hammered with strong winds and lots of rain, had some water spouts in Lake P. Camp neighbor called that water was up in my yard...AJ got a lotta slack in her lines. Around here the "public officials" are so scared to call any sort of weather emergency after they botched Katrina they do nothing....the state & local elections here are day after tomorrow, we need to vote them all out.



Posted: Oct 18th, '07, 16:06
by Capt. Mike Holmes
Saw all the election ads on TV this weekend, while I was in New Orleans, better than any TV sitcom that's running now! Whole buncha clowns running, looked like. Booby J. might be a good candidate, but je's scary ugly in his pictures. Looks like M. Night Shamalian if he turned into a vampire!

Posted: Oct 18th, '07, 17:31
by Capt. DQ

Has a link to watch video of the tornado's

Posted: Oct 18th, '07, 19:07
by JP Dalik
Maybe its time to move. P'cola's been kickin your butt over the last few years.

Just don't come to far north in case its a karma thing......

Lost your cell number when my cell phone took a bath. Shoot me a pm if you don't mind.

Keep your head low

Posted: Oct 18th, '07, 19:32
by Capt. DQ
I hear ya Bro.....getting kicked pretty hard right now with thunderstorms @ the house. Karma? I told you last time that when Jim Cantorre shows up in Pensacola...look what....(shit happens). My southern accent would give me away if I move up there.

You would have had a front row seat this morning @ the Crown Plaza when that puppy got warm up this morning downtown.

Just shot you a PM with my cell #....was going to try to go offshore Saturday but don't think the weather gonna let us, might have to wait till next weekend...but been trying to go for the last month...but weekends have not been good weather.


Posted: Oct 18th, '07, 20:22
by Harry Babb

I watched the video........nasty nasty stuff.........haven't seen the local news yet........just got home............

My dad grew up in the area where the tornado hit......."C" street and "G" street

Its pick your in the south "Yall" have to deal with the North "Yous Guys" have Ice storms..........out west its wild fires and earthquakes..........south Florida its sinkholes

Glad you and yours did not get hurt

I went offshore last Saturday with a friend............about 60 miles........we caught a nice box of snapper, a couple of scamp and a few grouper......we caught several AJ's but everyone of them were undersize........It was a pretty nice day...........I'll post fish pics when I get them downloaded into Photobucket


Posted: Oct 18th, '07, 20:33
by Capt. DQ
Sounds like yall got a nice mess of fish there. How was the seas last Saturday? Be glad that the weather came in just east of you....but the one good thing is that our rain deficeit has come down some...only down about 12-15" now.


Posted: Oct 18th, '07, 20:45
by Harry Babb

We started the day with about 3-5's with a few rogues thrown in and as the day progressed the seas diminished to less than 2 foot or so and smooth comming across Mobile Bay back to the river.

Sorry yall got you know when you live where we do its just a matter of time. All we got here was some much needed rain, in fact its still raining right now

My Mom and Dad live in Beulah (spelling ??)...........I think it was Erin that really hit them hard.......My brother and I went over with my tractor and chain saws.........worked for several days just cleaning up all of the downed trees.
