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incinerator head

Posted: Oct 16th, '07, 17:20
by JohnCranston
Does anyone have any info on one of these toilets? I have a new Vaccu-flush, and a guy I know wants to swap his incinerator unit for mine. I have the big gen set now, and he says that his head is a real simple unit and is brand new.
Thanks for the help.

Posted: Oct 16th, '07, 18:45
by Mikey
The images I'm getting in my head are amazing. Wonder what marketing whiz came up with Vaccu-flush? Do you have to wipe after or does it get it all?
Don't keep your legs together when sitting, it will vapor lock you to the seat and you'll miss that "Fish on" call.
Well, I'm amusing myself at least.
Damn, theres another one, gotta quit while I'm behind. Oops, did it again.

Posted: Oct 16th, '07, 20:52
by JohnCranston
It's a good thing that it's not called "Suck-flush"...if so, we couldn't keep you out of the cabin.

Posted: Oct 16th, '07, 21:46
by Harry Babb
Mikey............your comments are very entertaining but my thoughts are more about he Incinerator head..........there is something about Heat, Flame, Methane and Fecal matter that reminds me of younger years and the smell of burning hair


Getting head

Posted: Oct 17th, '07, 08:30
by Capt. Mike Holmes
John, the Incinolet weighs 100 lbs or more, depending on the model. They require an extensive venting system, besides electricity. For smaller boats like ours, I don't think they are really practical, although I think they are very good for more suitable applications. The vacu-flush is probably a lot better for most marine uses, unless you are in a crew boat that stays at sea for a long time.

Brewster has one in his big boat, don't think he's used it much yet, but I think he'll share my opinions.

Posted: Oct 17th, '07, 09:12
by Mikey
Did some second degree damage lighting methane as a kid at school.
Leave the cabin?

Posted: Oct 17th, '07, 12:44
by JohnCranston
Take a look at and tell me what you think. Sounds pretty simple...needs no water, and no holding tank.
I think that I'm going to have to keep an eye on you.

Posted: Oct 17th, '07, 12:48
by neil
john did you get the coupon in the mail? regards neil

Posted: Oct 17th, '07, 13:53
by JohnCranston
Yes sir, and I really appreciate it! Already sent it to Alex.
Thanks again.


Posted: Oct 17th, '07, 13:57
by Capt. Mike Holmes
John, one of the bulkhead guyd has experience with them, says they stink pretty bad, and it lingers. Their website and promo stuff says they don't. Who knows until we try one?

Posted: Oct 17th, '07, 17:15
by Skipper Dick
We had an incinerator pottie in a remote cabin in Alaska. We'd fly out there in a float plane in the summer and use skis' on the Cessna in the winter. When ever any one used the damn pottie we'd all have to go outside for a breather. Wasn't so bad in the summer, but in the winter is was brutal at 20 below. I'm glad we took plenty of anti freeze. Three guys standing out under the northern lights passing around a bottle of clear.

Once you got past the smell it wasn't so bad. All we had to do was get rid of the ashes.


Yanmar 170's For Sale

Posted: Oct 18th, '07, 01:37
by JohnCranston
Capt Mike,
You can have it. I think that I'll stick with the "Mikey-Flush"...oh, I mean the "Suck U Flush", I'll go with the "Vaccu-Flush". Mike, see what you can work out with Tom.


Posted: Oct 18th, '07, 07:05
by Capt. Mike Holmes
John, I'll call him in a few days. I'll also look through the company literature and see what size unit he likely bought. Since my useage would be minimal most of the time, the smallest unit, which is almost half the price he says he paid, would be fine for me. Considering that, I probably can't pay him what he wants for his - but we'll see..

My bulkhead and pier should be finished by the end of the day. looking real good so far.

Posted: Oct 18th, '07, 07:34
by Brewster Minton
I put them in my big boat and should be done with the install by next week and will let you know how they work then


Posted: Oct 18th, '07, 08:01
by Capt. Mike Holmes
Thanks, Brewster, I was hoping you'd weigh in on this subject. Will be very interested. I have canal property with no sewage, and new regulations will not allow a conventional septic syste,. Hoping I can use an Incinolet there to "take care of bidness".

Posted: Oct 18th, '07, 10:04
by Brewster Minton
I spent 1700$ a unit, got two of them. The venting is the key thing I have been told. Their pretty big too. I had enough room but I can see it might be hard on many boats to fit them. I am running new wires instead of using the existing 110v outlet so it taking a lot longer to finish.