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Boating follies continued

Posted: Aug 9th, '06, 20:13
by Bruce
After being out of town for a couple of weeks, I'm backed up more than if I ate a wheel of cheese and 3 loaves of bread.

So when the gentlemen from SC called this morning stuck in Ft Pierce with electrical problems begging for help so he could make the Bahamas I really couldn't go. But having a weakness for the stranded, I went anyway.

After arriving at his boat, he introduced himself as a general surgeon thru his thick accent.
Upon gazing at the explosive mess that once was a helm full of neatly run wire, I settled in and repaired said mess in about 4 hours.

While billing him, he explained that the last guy at his home port of Georgetown SC had charged him over 1700.00 trying to figure it out.
He got it jury rigged enough to get him to Ft Pierce.

Not wanting to talk bad about the other guy, I just mentioned that the guy ought to find another line of work at which the owner replied, Kevin does.

Apparently the guy is a part time captain, bottom cleaner and "general all around boat guy"(what ever that means).

I now get a feeling of being pissed off at the fact I screwed up other customers and my schedule to help this guy out when he hired joe bottom scraper to mess up his wiring.

I then ask the surgeon, would you go into the operating room with the janitor acting as the gas passer?
Me- then why hire a non electrical guy to do electrical work?
Doc-Don't know.
Me-Then I don't know either Doc.
Me-Don't forget to get those few things I told you about done when you get back home.
Doc-I'll put Kevin on it as soon as I get home.
Me-Having seen Wayne's World the other night I replied quickly,"sphincter says what"?
Me-Exactly, have a nice trip.

Gai kakhen afenyam.

Posted: Aug 9th, '06, 21:55
by In Memory Walter K
Bruce- What language was that and what does it mean? Walter

Posted: Aug 9th, '06, 22:32
by mike ohlstein
Go bang your head?

Posted: Aug 9th, '06, 22:40
by CaptPatrick

Yiddish... Loosely translated, "Go piss in the ocean" or "Jump in a lake".


You got me to laughing so hard on that story I almost pissed me pants...



Posted: Aug 10th, '06, 06:12
by Bruce
Its been like that ever since I got back.

Today I have doosy.

The owner that bought those Volvo's with the usefull life label just found out about it.
Ain't real happy is an understatement.

Even though I didn't sell them to him and made no profit from it, I'm stuck with in the middle between the selling dealer, Volvo sales rep it seems and the buyer.
It seems not all the engines have that informative label.

I also found out yesterday my windstorm premium will increase by 1700.00 when the policy renews in Dec. and fire/theft will double.

I hate this place more everyday.

Posted: Aug 10th, '06, 09:31
by Tommy

I told Pat, and I'll tell you: move your operation to the Morehead City/Beaufort, NC area and we'll keep you busy and treat you right. Just the 2 cents of one happy customer.


Posted: Aug 10th, '06, 10:02
by Bruce
I'd have been out of here long before this, but with two young grand kids who are the sparkle of my life, I'm here for now.

Besides, starting Charles on carts when he turns 5, then to 1/4 midgets at 10, then Legends USAC Grandnational (some really great tracks out there still), Busch and then Cup with some open wheel experience possible,
from a distance won't work.

I just got a birthday card from them that read,

If I hugged you everytime I thought about you...
(open card)
You'd be smooshed!

How can I move away from that?


Posted: Aug 10th, '06, 10:09
by TailhookTom
Move them with you.

Posted: Aug 10th, '06, 20:01
by Harv
CaptPatrick wrote:Walt,

Yiddish... Loosely translated, "Go piss in the ocean" or "Jump in a lake".


You got me to laughing so hard on that story I almost pissed me pants...


Close call Capt Patrick.
Go piss in the ocean would be ...Gai pishen afenyam.
Literally translated means go crap in the ocean. Take it from me, I'm Jewish.
Verstacht Yiddish?

Posted: Aug 10th, '06, 20:07
by Bruce
Crap is a nicer word than what I always meant it to be.

Posted: Aug 10th, '06, 20:23
by CaptPatrick
Literally translated means go crap in the ocean. Take it from me, I'm Jewish.

Arf, Arf

Posted: Aug 11th, '06, 08:17
by Rawleigh
You guys are killing me!!!!!! That is funny!

Posted: Aug 11th, '06, 10:45
by Dave Kosh R.I.P.
You guys are all right!Keep me smiling. Bruce don't worry the insurance rates will solve our congestion. Your lucky. Nationwide droped me after 14 years of "no claims" Got State Farm now but at alomost twice what I was paying before. Gotta do something with the average home from over $3,000 to as much as $8,000 per year for wind insurance. Beam me up Scottie!
John's coming over this weekend and were going to talk Bertram 31's and his repower. UV I'm putting up an external SSB antenna as the homemade one had less than satisfactory performance being too close to the Lee the eyelits. Good back-up though. Dave K

Posted: Aug 11th, '06, 15:37
by Mikey
a wheel of cheese and three loaves of bread???!!!
Glad I wasn't eating or drinking when I read that, I'd have covered the keyboard with the explosion from my nose.